Thursday, June 12, 2008

Karunanidhi strikes again – An interference uncalled for.

I came to know from the letter (given below) in Dinamalar dated 11-06-2008

that Diploma in Astrology offered in Tamil, English and Hindi

by Madurai Kamaraj University

had been dropped at the insistence of the government. (Karunanidhi).

I checked with the University website and found it removed.

This subject has been there for many years

and was very popular with people.

In fact I was told that there are more students in this subject

than in others offered through distance education.

They had a very strong team of teachers

who taught astrology scientifically.

This move to drop must have taken place only recently

after our all-knowledgeable Chief minister changed the Tamil New year.

Even in the last season, (it is offered twice a year in January and June)

I remember seeing the advertisement in the newspaper.

This move by the Chief minister

not only shows his pernicious intentions to slap anything of Hinduism,

but also his lack of grasp of Tamil texts

which he boasts of having learnt or championing for.

Astrology as “kala- ganitham

(the measurement / calculation of Time)

was popular in Tamil nadu.

Kaniyan Poonkundranaar, the poet who wrote ‘Yaadum vurE’

was an astrologer.

Kaniyan means astrologer.

Song 229 of Puranaanuru is full of astrological information

that indicated an impending danger to the king.

The poet Koodalur kizhar relates the fall of a meteor at around midnight

in the inauspicious direction of South, in the month of panguni

with Uthram shining above head,

Mrigashirsgha setting and Moola rising –

to the death of the king.

He says that they were all praying that their king should not fall ill ( causing death),

implying that there was none who could kill him in combat.

But the king died suddenly making the astrological indication true.

The king was Cheran Yaanai kat Chei Mandharam Cheral Irumborai.

Puranaanuru 24-5 also says that the meteor-fall in the night of panguni is “Raja peedai”.

The words ‘paasi’ and ‘udeesi’ used in the poem are sankritised Tamil words

for east and west – Prachee and Udeechi.

The ‘muda-p-panai’ mentioned in the poem is Anusham

which has 6 stars in the shape of palm tree (panai maram)

Azhal kuttam’ is krittika which has “azhal’ (agni) as its devatha.

Silappadhikaram also says “azhal sEr kuttatthu ashtami” –

the ashtami falling on the day of star krittika.(134)

Thol kaapiyam Pura-th-thinai sutra says

astrological factors were considered for predicting events. (Sutra 30 and 36)

More than anything else,

Thirukkural also accepts astrology as a “yeN”

in yennum yezhutthum kaN” kural in Kalvi adhikaram.

The second kural in Kalvi justifies –yeN – ganitham

and in addition to it yezhutthu as kaN (eye).

Sarvendriyanaam nayanam pradhanam –

The eye is the fore most of all parts of the body.

and Astrology is considered as the Eye of Veda purusha.

There are verses to this effect in sastras.

Vedas can not be understood without the Vedangas

(shadangas said as ‘sadankavigal’ in Tamil texts)

And among Vedangas, Astrology or Jyothisha alone was

Ganitha sastra (yeN)

Other 5 are about yezhutthu.

Thus Thiruvalluvar has only repeated these in his kural as the eyes.

We can go on quoting many verses in support of how Jyothisha was integral

in Tamil’s life.

The best way ever formulated by man to record time is by Astrology only.

To shut it out and make it unreachable by people makes me say that

Karunanidhi stands as the best example for the kurals in

kodungOnmai” and “veru vandha seiyaamai”.

I don’t expect him to change,

because this yuga of Kali is dependent on people like him

to further its yuga dharma.

I only feel astonished

how true it is that

in a democracy people get what they deserve!!


  1. Good Post Smt Jayasree.

    The irony is that, MK will never get away with the Yellow shawl, which he wears based on astrological recommendations. But will be ready to condemn it.

  2. //in a democracy people get what they deserve!!//

    but many a times i wonder what we did to deserve this much!

    he must realise that not every one can become a politician and people need to earn money aas honestly as possible in as mnay ways aas possible.

    as to venkatesh's comment- his hypocracy is so well known, nothing new.

  3. When everyone is expecting Karunanidhi to reduce petroleum and domestic gas prices, his family -run business, RCV is cutting cable TV charges by 50%.
    People are getting what they deserve!!
