Saturday, August 9, 2008

MA Astrology at SASTRA.

SASTRA University, Thanjavur has published a notification for MA Astrology course.

Astrology enthusiasts wishing to learn astrology may click the above link and know the details.

The University offers BA astrology also.


  1. Thanks for writing this.

  2. Welcome.
    Other places in South India where astrology is taught :-

    Potti Sriramulu Telugu University, Hyderabad.
    MA and Phd in Jyothisha offered in Telugu and English. Very good course materials.

    ICAS founded by Dr BV Raman offers Praveen, Visharad and Acharya in Jyothisha in English, Hindi and Kannada.

    These courses require one to have some basic knowledge of astrology.

    SASTRA offers 3 year BA astrology for beginners.

    Madurai Kamaraj University was offering for many years, 1-year Diploma course in astrology in English, Tamil and Hindi. Unfortunately this was dropped a year ago, allegedly at the insistence of Mr Karunanidhi. This course provided a concise knowledge of astrology. Hope this is revived soon so that those interested in astrology can take up this and then go in for 2 year MA course.

  3. Mr Manu Krishna Pillai, Astrology and Research scholar in Astrology in SASTRA University informs that the University offers PhD in Astrology.

  4. Astrology as a vedic science has proved beyond doubt its efficacy in giving valuable information on metereology, health ,psychology etc besides its help to find indications of future events. We had many onslaughts from foreigners(I mean with foreign culture) that destroyed the propagation of this wonderful science. Destruction of Taxila, Nalanda and of priceless manuscripts there were all tragedies which no other religion in the world had undergone. Today there are some signs of resurrection of these age old wisdom.All political leaders including DMK stalwarts are consulting astrologers. It is tragic to observe that a Man of M.K.'s ststure became instrumental in stopping the spread of this knowledge by Madurai Kamaraj University.History will not pardon anyone who stops the spread of this knoweldge and veda suggests that they would be born as blind in their subsequent incarnations.I pray the non believers not to impose their philosophy on others. Every individual in the world has the right to follow his/her philosophy.

  5. Thanks for your post and you are providing a good information about jyothisham, horoscope, Astrology in Telugu and etc. I think no one provide these munch of information about astrology. Sure i will bookmark this blog for astrology updates
