Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Did Mr Nilesh Oak solve the mystery of Arundhati? (Part 8 critiquing Mr Nilesh Oak's date of Mahabharata)

The 8th video in the series based on my book critiquing the Mahabharata dating done by Mr Nilesh Oak is now released. Titled as "Did Mr Nilesh Oak solve the mystery of Arundhati?" this video reveals that not a single frame of the video uploaded  by Mr Nilesh Oak purportedly to establish that Arundhati walked ahead of Vasishtha, did show her in a position as mandated by the verse of Vyasa. The video can be viewed here:

Vyasa's verse states that Arundhati kept Vasishtha at her 'Prishtha'. Without establishing what that word conveys, Mr Nilesh Oak has gone ahead saying that Arundhati was 'ahead' of Vasishtha and to the 'west' of Vasishtha. If Vyasa had meant so, he could have used words suggesting 'ahead' and 'west' and not "prishtha". The current Video deduces the celestial alignment of the Prishtha position by going through similar verses in the Mahabharata and compares them with the clippings from Mr Oak's video.

It was found that the Voyager simulations given by Mr Oak do not contradict the age old position of  Arundhati at the Prishtha of Vasishtha throughout the so-called "Epoch of Arundhati." Need I to state the obvious - that Mr Nilesh Oak has not de-mystified the Mystery of Arundhati? 


  1. madam.. pls suggest a some good books to start learning astrology in tamil..

  2. "Brahma rishi Vaakkiyam" - available in Giri traders.
