Saturday, November 29, 2008

Why do terrorists kill??

Why do terrorist uncles kill, Aishwarya?

The world owes an answer to Aishwarya's observation and to make the globe safe for her and future generations.

The most poignant statement to come out of the 26/11 Mumbai terror is that of a Class VII student: 'The terrorist uncle was shooting.'

Why does the uncle terrorist shoot to kill? This fundamental question has to be answered first before appropriate remedies are worked out by the civilized world which the innocent Aishwarya Gaekwad represents.

Why does an islamist jihadi terrorist kill innocent citizens? What is the message he is trying to convey after getting trained in handling weapons of death? Why does an army without a state (Pakistan) allow the training of such terrorists? Is it because Pakistan itself was born out of the same fundamentalist religious dogma represented by wahhabi world-view that every non-believer (kufr) is fit only to be killed?

Surely, many pundits will have many analyses and many answers and even brilliant solutions to offer. Nazi terror had its roots in sowing hatred in the minds of youth. Islamist jihadi terror also has its roots in sowing hatred in the minds of youth.

Until the islamist jihadi foundation which is interpreted to justify killing innocent citizens is eradicated from the face of the globe, the uncle terrorists will continue to kill, Aishwarya. As you grow up, let us hope that the pundits of the present generation will do well to leave a peaceful world for you to live in.

It is simply a fundamental philosophical problem of the meaning of life. The islamist jihadi uncle finds the meaning in death. The terrorist uncles seem to think that the non-believers have no right to life and that the terrorist uncle has a responsibility to kill and an ordained duty to create a globe full of 'believers'.

Uncle terrorist ain't no uncle, Aishwarya. He is an indoctrinated animal masquerading as human.

Is there hope that Obama will be the transformational leader in-charge of the super-cop country and work with Hindusthan to rid the world of jihadist terror? Step 1 is to enrol Hindusthan as a partner in eliminating the terror central in Hindusthan's borders and to break up Pakistan. Hindusthan herself should mend her ways of cuddling terrorists and make a resolve to eliminate terror from the globe. Let there be a Step 1 in Hindusthan to enact a Patriot Act as in USA and to build a Martyrs' Memorial (comparable to the Holocaust Museum) to honour the brave aatman who have laid down their lives in support of freedom and dharma.

Dr S. kalyanaraman

'Mumbai has become Kashmir'

Archana Masih in Mumbai

November 28, 2008 | 19:32 IST

The Batliwala chawl is opposite Nariman House, where commandos have waged a 40-hour battle against terrorists. Last night, its residents were evacuated as the operation intensified.

"The terrorist uncle was shooting. I could hear the guns and was terrified. I also saw one uncle climb up the pipe," says Aishwarya Gaekwad, a Class VII student, innocently.

The residents of the chawl spent the first night and the next day, huddled together. They were too afraid to sleep, or look out of the window. As evening fell, they were evacuated. While others went to stay with family and friends, a group of families from Batliwala chawl, took refuge at a Shiv Sena shakha nearby.

Over a lunch of rice and curried vegetable provided for them, they say Nariman House was regularly visited by foreigners. But never did they think it would become the epicentre of a battle with terrorists.

They do not know when the ordeal will be over, when their lane will be secure and when things will be normal again. The last two days have left the residents of this busy Colaba market area in extended disbelief.

"I used to walk home every night through this lane outside Nariman House and look what is happening there now?" says Rahul Rakh who works at a cyber cafe nearby. He hasn't gone for work for two days, because the cyber cafe along with other shops in the cordoned area has been closed.

He feels he has a sort of unexplainable proximity to the horror that has unfolded around him. "I feel so weird, terrorists took over a building near my home and work place -- and Cama hospital, which became a target of their attack, was where I was born."

Just like many others in the maze of lanes around Nariman House, Rahul and his friends have been trying to get as close as the police would allow them to see what is happening.

Often personnel from the Rapid Action Force, clear them off and prevent them from assembling in groups but curious onlookers keep on coming.

Vikram Singh and his friends have come from Matunga in north-central Mumbai to see what is happening. Yesterday, they went to all the other spots of the attacks -- VT, Taj, Oberoi, Cama -- "Do you want to see the firing?" he asks, "I can take you through the back lanes and show you."

Explaining his presence, he says he has come to help but does not know exactly what to do. "For my country I can do anything, if I had a gun and was allowed to go in, I would have also gone and taken on terrorists," he says vehemently and goes on vent his disappointment at the Mumbai police.

"They can only pull you over and bully you, they are such a failure when it comes ensuring security. They need young cops, better weapons and good training."

Mumbai is beloved to him and its repeated destruction anguishes him. He says he sees his beloved city lurch from one terror strike to another with no government plan to confront it. "Mumbai has become Kashmir, it is so tragic" he says, getting ready to ride pillion on his friend's bike to go to another terror spot.

Scotland Yard team to probe British link in terror attack

November 28, 2008 | 20:23 IST

The United Kingdom will investigate the reports claiming two of the eight terrorists arrested in the Mumbai terror attack are British nationals.

A nine-member team from Scotland Yard has left for Mumbai to probe the British links of the arrested terrorists.
Maharashtra Chief Minister Vilasrao Deshmukh had told a TV channel on Friday that two arrested terrorists were 'British citizens of Pakistani origin'.

The attack, in which the terrorists unleashed terror in 13 places across South Mumbai before taking over two luxury hotels and a building inhabited by Israelis, has already claimed 155 lives.

Reacting to the reports, British Prime Minister Gordon Brown said he would not be drawn into early conclusions, reports The Telegraph.

Terming the terror attacks 'atrocious', Brown told Sky News, "Obviously when you have terrorists operating in one country, they may be getting support from another country or coming from another country, and it is very important that we strengthen the co-operation between India and Britain in dealing with these instances of terrorist attacks."

He is expected to call up Prime Minister Manmohan Singh to discuss the situation in Mumbai later today.
One British citizen, Andreas Liveras, has been killed in the terror attack while seven have are reportedly injured.


Arrested terrorist says gang hoped to get away

29 Nov 2008, 0515 hrs IST, TNN

NEW DELHI: The gang of terrorists who wreaked mayhem in Mumbai for three days were made to believe by their Lashkar bosses that they were not being sent on a suicide mission and that they would be coming back alive.

In a sensational disclosure made by Ajmal, the jihadi nabbed alive by Mumbai cops, the group had planned to sail out on Thursday. Their recruiters had even charted out the return route for them and stored it on the GPS device which they had used to navigate their way to the Mumbai shoreline.

This suggests that the terrorists were willing to undertake a mission which they knew would be very risky, but not necessarily suicidal.

Sources said that the bait of safe return must have been used by the recruiters to convince the wavering among the group to join the audacious plot against Mumbai.

Ajmal made another important disclosure: that all terrorists were trained in marine warfare along with the special course Daura-e-Shifa conducted by the Lashkar-e-Toiba in what at once transforms the nature of the planning from a routine terror strike and into a specialized raid by commandos.

Battle-hardened ATS officials are surprised by the details of the training the terrorists were put through before being despatched for the macabre mission. This was very different from a terrorist attack, and amounted to an offensive from the seam, said a source.

Ajmal has revealed the name of his fellow jihadis all Pakistani citizens as Abu Ali, Fahad, Omar, Shoaib, Umer, Abu Akasha, Ismail, Abdul Rahman (Bara) and Abdul Rahman (Chhota).

The account of Ajmal also strengthens the doubt of the complicity of powerful elements in the Pakistani establishment. According to him, the group set off on November 21 from an isolated creek near Karachi without the deadly cargo of arms and ammunition they were to use against the innocents in Mumbai. The group received arms and ammunition on board a large Pakistani vessel which picked them up the following day. The vessel, whose ownership is now the subject of an international probe, had four Pakistanis apart from the crew.

A day later, they came across an Indian-owned trawler, Kuber, which was promptly commandeered on the seas. Four of the fishermen who were on the trawler were killed, but its skipper, or tandel in fishermen lingo, Amarjit Singh, was forced to proceed towards
India. Amarjit was killed the next day, and Ismail the terrorist who was killed at Girgaum Chowpaty took the wheel.

A trained sailor, Ismail used the GPS to reach Mumbai coast on November 26. The group, however, slowed down its advance as they had reached during the day time while the landing was planned after dusk. The group shifted to inflatable boats, before disembarking at
Badhwar Park in Cuffe Parade.

From there, they mandated to kill indiscriminately, particularly white foreign tourists, and spare Muslims split up into five batches. Two of them Ismail and Ajmal took a taxi to Victoria Terminus. Three other batches of two each headed for Oberoi Hotel, Cafe Leopold and Nariman House. The remaining four went to Taj Hotel.

He may have been motivated enough to kill innocents indiscriminately. In police custody, Ajmal Amir Kasab, the terrorist who was caught alive by the Mumbai police at Girgaum Chowpatty, has been forthcoming with details about the attack on Mumbai and his accomplices, all suspected Lashkar operatives from Pakistan.

Kasab, who sustained minor injuries in the police firing that killed his partner Abu Ismail (25) on Wednesday night, was produced before the Esplanade Metropolitan Magistrate on Friday. The magistrate remanded him to police custody till December 8. Incidentally, Kasab and Ismail were the two who gunned down ATS chief Hemant Karkare, additional CP Ashok Kamthe and encounter specialist Vijay Salaskar.

Kasab told the police that he and 9 others got off a vessel about 10 nautical miles from Mumbai and shifted to two boats hijacked from fishermen.

One source in ATS familiar with the details of the interrogation quoted him saying that in all 16 fidayeens came to Mumbai on Wednesday. A native of Faridkot in Pakistan-occupied
Kashmir (PoK), 21-year-old Kasab told police they had done a reccee of Mumbai few months ago. He said he had come along with eight of the operatives to Mumbai as students and lived in a rented room at Colaba market, a stone's throw away from Nariman House.,prtpage-1.cms