Today Mr Karunanidhi is going to inaugurate
the 30 crore Rupees big- budget movie on St Thomas
at Santhome Basilica Campus in Chennai.
What is wrong in that, one may ask.
Yes, something is terribly wrong because
Thiruvalluvar is going be featured in this film on St Thomas !
And grapevine is that Rajini is going to enact as Thiruvalluvar!!

Today’s Thuglak brought out a note on this movie
by pointing out a letter published in the
Deccan Chronicle dated 26-06-2008
that the information on the life of St Thomas as circulated among Indians
has no stamp of approval by the Vatican .
There had been many St Thomases in Christian chronology
but the Vatican clearly had not accepted this St Thomas
who was said to have visited India and stayed in Parangimalai in Chennai.
But what is of concern to us is that
the life story of this St Thomas contains an incident
of an argument with Thirvalluvar!!
It is even said that influenced by St Thomas ,
Thiruvalluvar became a Christian.
The movie is going to feature Thiruvalluvar
And one wonders what it is going to portray of Thiruvalluvar.
Of all the people,
our Chief Minister, the torch-bearer of Thiruvalluvar,
who possesses the unique vision of seeing the past
to find out Thiruvalluvar’s birth year too,
is going to inaugurate this movie.
For one who acted as a patron for the very ‘research’
connecting Thiruvalluvar to St Thomas ,
this is a case of mission coming to a completion.
The first attempt to paint Thiruvalluvar with Christian leanings
started as early as the sixties
and our Thiruvalluvar- loving Karunanidhi readily lent legitimacy to it.
The controversial book written by M. Deivanayakam,
“Thiruvalluvar Chrithuvara?”
had a foreword written by Karunanidhi.
He had written that
no Tamil would come forward to say that Thiruvalluvar plagiarized.
(does he mean to say that the book promotes the view that
Thiruvalluvar wrote Kural,
by copying St Thomas ’s views?
If that book gives even a shred of such an opinion,
should he agree to write a fore word to it?)
“When M.Deivanayagam took the dubious researches of
KA.SU.Pillai, MaraimalaiAdigal and others and
submiited and received a PHD, saying Entire Tamil Literature-
Tirukural, Paripadal, KAlithogai. Thirumurugatrupadai ,Saiva sithanthangal etc.,
are influenced rather Valluvar copied Bible and
all were developed later under Bible infleunce by Thomas' alleged visit.
His books had blessings of all major churches,
rather Mylapur Archbishop funded them,
and I quote Deivanayagam in his first book- Tiruvalluvar Christhuvara?,
which had an Aninthurai by Mu.Karunanithi and released by Anbalagan
if I remember correct in 1969..
ANAL VIRUPPU Veruppu indri Aybavargal
thangal Aayvin mudivil Varum karuthugalai
veliyida pinvanginal avargal unmai aiyvalargal allar- Pa 131. "
(translation:- Karunanidhi has written :-
No Tamilian would say that Thiruvalluvar copied (from St Thomas )
But those who analyze without likes and dis-likes
should not hesitate to publish the result of their research.
If they hesitate, they are not true researchers. )
" Christhuvamagihiya Malaiyil irunthu Edukkappatta
Aramaagia Karungal Tamilagiya Gangayil .... Page- 173'
(end quote)
Karunanidhi’s love for ‘researches’
cutting into and maiming Hindu Thought is deep-rooted.
If some ‘Hindu’ or ‘Vedic’ tag is there,
he would not mind even if it is about denigrating
a divine poet like Thiruvalluvar.
Thirukkural is considered as Vedas.
But it should not be Aryan Veda.
If it is Vivilian Veda (Christian Bible), it is ok.
Karunanidhi will find his peace!
(quote from the above link)
Karunanidhi hobnobbing with Christian forgers, frauds and fake researchers:
*“Thomas myth” has been exposing the shameless manufacture of evidences by the spineless Christians. But what is intriguing is the association and official patronage extended to such frauds by Karunanidhi as CM and as well as littérateur.
* In January 1997, he changed the name “Parangimalai” to “Thomas malai”, however, there were no takers
* Deivanayagam, John Samuel, Moses Michael Faraday and other fraudulent researchers in Siddhas and Saiva Siddhanta met Karunanidhi during 1996-2001 periods, as has been accepted by the group themselves recording in their propagandist literature.
Thus, the nexus is evident.
(quote ends)
The research that he admired as early as in the sixties,
had spread its tentacles further
and brought out its conclusion
that Thiruvalluvar was a disciple of St Thomas .
Deivanayakam has ‘established’
that Thiruvalluvar was the disciple of St Thomas
and was awarded Doctorate for that.
Starting from a fore-word to a book
to ending with the inauguration now,
Karunanidhi has served the cause of Thiruvalluvar very well!!
My question is
does he still have any moral authority
to talk of
Thiruvalluvar aandu and
New year on Thiruvalluvar’s birthday?
-Not to mention Thirukkural..
his governance and Tasmac
are blots on his “kuralOviyam”.
Related post:-
Thiruvalluvar worshiped Sri Rama!!
Dr. Deivanayakam Gets His Due 1
R.S. Narayanaswami
Karunanidhi hobnobbing with Christian forgers, frauds and fake researchers:
“Thomas myth” has been exposing the shameless manufacture of evidences by the spineless Christians. But what is intriguing is the association and official patronage extended to such frauds by Karunanidhi as CM and as well as littérateur. *
In January 1997, he changed the name “Parangimalai” to “Thomas malai”, however, there were no takers[7]. *
Deivanayagam[8], John Samuel[9], Moses Michael Faraday[10] and other fraudulent researchers in Siddhas and Saiva Siddhanta met Karunanidhi during 1996-2001 periods, as has been accepted by the group themselves recording in their propagandist literature[11]. Thus, the nexus is evident. *
Starting with Arulappa, the Christians have been indulging in the unscrupoulous forgery of Siddhar-literature by all means. *
V. Gnanasigamani[12] brought out his exposition “Agattiyar Gnanam” based on one forged work “Agattiyar padalgal”. *
Deivanayagam followed and of course, here there was some response and he was completely exposed and the publishers themselves declared that “It was not a researched work”!. *
Johm Samuel was cheating Muruga baktas with his “International conference on Skanda-Muruka” Private Limited, reportedly a non-profit company registered under Companies Act has turned to “Thomas fraud”. In his book, he recorded how they met Karunanidhi and all. Now even for the multi-million movie of the “greatest fraud ever made” on “dobting Thomas”, he has been declared as the “inaugurator” of the movie by the Christian crooks of forgery and criminals of history.
[7] As the place is known as “Parangai malai”, the abode of “Parangis”, the polluted Portuguese and all other Europeans, the same name is still used.
[8] One of the collaborators with the former Archbishop Arulappa in their “Thomas fraud” and Arulappa created a Chair specifically for Deivanayagam for the promotion of “Doubdting thomas myth”.
[9] John Samuel, another “Thomas myth” promoter paraded masquerading as the organizer of “International Conference-seminar on Skanda-Muruka”. Now abandoning “Skanda-muruka”, he has engaged himself in spreading the “Thomas myth”.
[10] Hailing from Christian College, Madras and having connection with LTTE. He attended “The World Islamic Tamil Literary conference” held in Colombo in 2002. He had a special trip to north-eastern areas with local contacts. He is the author of a book on Siddhar-padalgal with his bogus research.
[11] Deivanayagam, Viviliyam Tirukkural Saiva Siddhantam, Institute for the Study of Tamil Studies, Taramani, 1985.
Moses Michael Faraday, Tamil Siddhar Padalgalum Viviliyamum, CSI Diocese Publication, 1999 with “Vazthurai” from Karunanidhi as CM of TN (letter date 22-04-1999), Anbazhagan as Education Minister (letter dated 26-04-1999).
John G. Samuel, Tamizhagam vantha Thoma, Homeland Publishers, Chennai – 600 095, 2003.
[12] V. Gnanbasigamani, Agattiyar Gnanam, “Gnanodhyam”, 66/7, Association Salai, Chennai – 600 060, 1982.
Related posts
On the myth of St Thomas :-
On the history behind Kapaaleshwarar temple:-
Related posts on how Hindu temples have been hijacked by evangelists:-
Roman Catholic Church and Vatican that came into existence only after Nicea council of 325 AD cannot approve or deny whether Apostle Thomas came into India (which happened around 52 AD).
The veracity of Thomas coming to Kerala can be proved by the family histories of the 7 Brahmin families converted by the Apostle. (They are today members of the Roman Catholic or Orthodox churches)
Let us not spread hatred and disinformation, but be proud of our rich cultural heritage!
Dear Mr Thomsan Kattackal,
We don’t spread hatred and dis-information.
We want to stop the columny and stealthy attempts to re-write the past history of this Bharath.
Read the other posts on this issue in this blog.
To give a note in a nutshell,
“The St. Thomas story was invented to give the Syrian Immigrants Indian ancestry and the patronage of a local martyr-saint —Christianity is the religion of martyrs — and it was resurrected and embellished in the 16 century by Jesuit and Franciscan missionaries who needed a pious story of persecution to cover up their own persecution of the Hindus. There is another reason for the Catholic Church to promote the story in Madras, for during that period (16 century) she and her imperial Portuguese `secular arm' destroyed many Hindu Temples in Mylapore and its environs. The original Kapaleeshwar Temple was destroyed in 1561 and on its sight the present St Thomas Cathedral was built. The Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) has never investigated the origins of early Christian Churches in India in the same way it has studied old mosques and other Muslim monuments. Proper study of ancient Churches has been done by German Scholars and awaits translation and publication in English. The work done by the German Scholars shows that most 16 and 17 century Churches in India contain temple rubble and are built on temple sites.
The story relating to the martyrdom of St Thomas in St.Thomas Mount in Madras is fictitious. This will be clear from the physical fact that there are six (6) tombs for St. Thomas in South India. Two (2) are in San Thome Cathedral at Mylapore, a third (3) on an island of South-West of Cochin, a fourth (4) in a Syrian Church at Thruvancode in Tranvancore, a fifth (5) in a Shiva Temple at Malayattur in Tranvancore and a sixth (6) at Kalayamuthur, West of Madurai, near the Palani Hills. Likewise, there are six (6) tombs for St. Thomas abroad. One is in Brazil, a second in Germany, a third in Japan, a fourth in Malacca, a fifth in Tibet and the sixth in China. “
Full text in
from Dr. Koenraad Elst
“Secularists keep on reminding us that there is no archaeological evidence for Rama’s travels, and from this they deduce the non sequitur that Rama never existed, indeed that “Rama’s story is only a myth”. But in Rama’s case, we at least do have a literary testimony, the Ramayana, which in the absence of material evidence may or may not be truthful, while in the case of Thomas’s alleged arrival in India, we don’t even have a literary account. The text cited in the story’s favour doesn’t even have him come to a region identifiable as South India. That is why Christian scholars outside India have no problem abandoning the myth of Thomas’s landing in Kerala and of his martyrdom in Tamil Nadu. I studied at the Catholic University of Louvain, and our Jesuit professor of religious history taught us that there is no data that could dignify the Thomas legend with the status of history.”
Full text in
and also in
And what do you have to say for the info from this link?
All those attempts by the Christian missionaries have been happening for years together. Nobody can question them as THE RIGHT TO FREEDOM AND SPEECH OF EXPRESSION favours them and not the Hindus. Dr.Deivanayagam, a missionary is trying to project himself as an irreligious researcher and scholar. He says that Shaivism and Vaishnavism evolved from Dravidian Christianity.
But what does archaeology say??
1. The excavation proves the history of Shiva linga woship not only in the Indus valley sites, but also in the pre-Indus sites. Carbon dating establishes the history of these lingas to around 7000-6000 BC, millenia before Christ was born.
2. Regarding Vaishnavism, a recent excavation proves that Heliodorus, a Greek ambassador converted to Vaishnavism in 113 BC, still before Christ. This pillar is at Besnagar (present day Bhopal).
Everyone encourages archaeology and research, but not distorted ones as done by the Missionaries!!
I agree with you Mr Balaji.
Adding insult to injury, the media is talking rubbish, dancing to the concerted attempts to denude the culture of this country. The most laughable of such talks can be seen in the Editorial of Deccan Chronicle, dated 14-10-2008,in the wake of the surprise -yet with suspicious designs for a long term agenda - development of sainthood to Alphonsa.
"It is also a remarkable tribute to this country which treasures a spiritual heritage handed over by anonymous rishis of yore, who too placed quite contemplation above grand deeds. Alphonsa truly, is India's saint."
How they are eager to appropriate Indian past! Now they say she is India's saint. Later they will say Indian rishis followed her foot steps. What do these people know about India and its past?
Madam, relax..
do not get angry.. it is common to them, and it is nothing new that hindus getting bashed!!
a book is scheduled to be released titled:- 1000 CRIMES AGAINST INDIA AND HINDUISM.
ISKCON holds that christ was a dear son of krishna, that is it. they did not bash christianity or denigrate jesus. but a millionaire in US moved court alleging that ISKCON is trying to brainwash christians. Surprised?
Going by that logic and rationality or the so-called pagutharivu, how many cases need to be booked on christian missionaries in India?
remember one thing what happened in the 8th century AD.. Buddhism and Jainism (though peaceful unlike Christian missionaries) tried to eradicate Hinduism. You know what happened? Adi Shankara(788-820 AD) paved way for diminishing Buddhism and Jainism in India. He did not do it through brainwashing, nor through violence; but by justice, the buddhist and jain scholars were no match to the great seer in debates, and eventually all converted to Hinduism. How many people know that Appar or Thirunavukkarasar(one of the oldest of the 63 nayanmars) was a Jain. He later converted to Shaivism, due to the power and mercy of Shiva (not lured by any missionaries).
I being a stauch Hindu assume all divine personalities starting from Zoroaster, Abraham, Mosses, Buddha, Mahavira, Jesus Christ, Prophet Mohammed, Guru Nanak, Baha'i upto Shirdi Sai Baba as incarnations of Vishnu, equal to my dear Ram and Krishna; but christians call my poor gopala as a devil and daemon!!
if i speak even softly, i am branded as a fanatic!!!
there would definitely be some way.. another shankara or ramanuja or raghavendra would be born!!
for every people like periyar and every anti-hindu, four vivekanandas, vallalars or kripananda variars would be born..
that is truth. remember krishna's words in the gita:-
Mr.Michel Danino, who works with the International Forum on Indian Heritage (IFIH) quotes:
"Deivanayagam is notorious for such theories; he has inspired many other Christian crackpots and the volume of literature they have been producing has been swelling steadily. There has been very little organized response from the Hindu side, which is not a good sign. Valluvar was a Hindu, not a Jain; his adoption of the four purushartha (artha, kama, dharma, moksha) proves it. His mention of Hindu terms and gods too."
I suppose the next plan of Deivanayagam et al. is to paint Shirdi Sai Baba and Vallalar as Christians, as they too wear white costume just like Thiruvalluvar. Thank God, Vallalar had Vibhhoti on his forehead, but I am afraid of Sai Baba.
I fyou sleep, they will even put a cross on Sri Venkateswara of Tirumala, which is undertaken by Mr.YSR under the leadership of AICC(All India Christian Committee)!
Madam, today, I saw a play in DD Podhigai channel which showcased the life of Thiruvalluvar. It had clearly shown that Thiruvalluvar was a Shaivite, his companions had Vibhooti on their forehead, and even he had on his forehead too. The event of St.Thomas meeting Thiruvalluvar was also shown, but nothing like Thiruvalluvar getting converted or reading the Bible was shown. Even after meeting St.Thomas, and while presenting the Thirukkural in the Madurai Tamil Sangam, Thiruvalluvar was shown has having applied Vibhooti to his forehead. Moreover, Thiruvalluvar's wife was Vasuki, daughter of a Shaivite. The name Vasuki is the name of the serpent used for churning the Milk ocean, during which Vishnu incarnated as Koorma (tortoise). This eiliminates the paradox that the North Indians and Tamils followed the same culture and Vedas and Puranas was also followed by Tamils. What else is required??
Even if Thiruvalluvar had converted to Christianity after meeting St.Thomas, why did'nt he change his name? Similarly, Deivanayagam had written that Shaivism and Vaishnavism were offshoots of Dravidian Christianity. If this is so, what religion did Thiruvalluvar follow before meeting St.Thomas? He would'nt have been an Atheist, as the very first Kural itself breaks this confusion:-
Agara mudhala ezhuthellam Aadhi
Bhagavan mudhatrae ulagu!!
How will an Atheist praise God before starting a new work??
Dear balaji, Please read my post in the link given here. Thiruvalluvar was a worshiper of Rama. He refers to Vaamana in Madiyinmai adhikaram.
Thiruvalluvar's birth place must have been Then-madurai where Kumari was flowing. His wife was Mathaanubhnagi,- the mention by some of this name as his is wrong. This is a female name and is mentioned by Neminaathar.
I intend to write on 'Valluvan Vedam' sometime in the near future analyzing every kural of him to show how sanatnic they are and Vedic in essence.
Madam, I heard something called "Thiruvalluvar Aandu". This year 2009 is supposed to be 2039th Thiruvalluvar Aandu. Going back 2039 years, gives an year of about 30 BC. If this year is the birth year of Thiruvalluvar, then Thiruvalluvar must have been 82 years old when St.Thomas is believed to have come to India in 52 AD. (30+52=82).
So if Thiruvalluvar had not lived for 82 years or more, Deivanayakam should be put behind the bars for distorting history cruelly!!
"He said a book by a Muslim showing the superiority of Koran over Tirukkural had also been published some years back. It was time for the Hindus to take cognizance of attacks on their doctrines, beliefs and sacred books."
This is from you article Madam. You know when it happened? At the honorable regime of Periyar! During a felicitation of Bhaaratidasan, Periyar and co. spoke that the songs of Bhaaratidasan are greater than the songs of the Hindu devotional saints. The Hindus protested for this. But as usual, they were abused and chased away. Within a year, a Muslim wrote a book saying that Koran had better philosophy than Thirukkural. But now, Periyar or Kozhaimani (Veeramani, by name) had no guts to refute the Muslims. Ilichha vayanga Hindus dhaanae!
What happened recently?
Veeramani and the DK devote all their time and money in insulting Hinduism and all their rituals. But consider the November26 Mumbai attacks. Kasaab, the approver confessed that they were brainwashed that if they perform this crime, they will be rewarded sexual pleasure with 72,000 maidens in heaven.
இப்போ எங்கே போச்சு இவங்க பகுத்தறிவு? இது மூடநம்பிக்கை இல்லியா?
மாட்டங்க, ஏனா அவன் அடிப்பன் இல்லே? பெரியார் சொல்லி இருப்பாரு, புள்ளை பூச்சிகள மட்டும் பேசி பேரு வாங்குகப்ப நு!
Thirukkural is Tamil Veda... exactly what is told in the 4 Vedas by Veda Vyasa.
Christians are very good at plagiarising, just as they have plagiarized the Old Testament, a scripture of the Jews.
Saying Valluvar is a Christian can be the greatest joke of the century, as proved below:
Vedic culture talks of 4 Purushaartha - Dharma, Artha, Kaama, Moksha.
Thirukkural has three divisions - Aram (Dharma in Tamil), Porul (Artha in Tamil) and Kaamam (same as Kaama and is entirely based on Tamil literary style on sensual love). Limited treatment of Moksha aspect is included within the first division.
Is there a christian literature that talks about 'Kaama' ? Really ?
Is there any Christian literature in the world that talks about 'Righteousness' as in Thirukural ?
Is there any christian literature that talks about 'Wealth' ?
There are many positive references to Vedic gods/beliefs in Thirukkural. There is no explicit endorsement of any God. But there are references to moksha as cessation of birth and getting out the cycle of births.
The verses about ascetism are purely based on Indian philoshopical beliefs. There are no references to cross, Satan, original sin, virgin birth, trinity, salvation through faith, second coming etc.
Only people who are unfamiliar with Thirukural could be guided to believe such notions.
If somebody says Thiruvalluvar converted after writing Thirukural, we can always make counter claims that it was Thomas who got converted to one of the Indian religions.
Christianity claims there is only one chance to pass, failing results in eternal suffering.
Indian spirituality gives infinite chances to not just pass but attain perfection with only eternal bliss as reward.
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