It remains a mystery in which Engineering college Mr Karunanidhi obtained his degree to qualify for giving ideas to the German company which was paid huge sums to design and construct this structure. Even the two petitions that questioned the engineering aspects of the structure so hurriedly built were dismissed by the court on the pretext that the petitioner had not produced the engineer’s opinion to support his accusation.
Therefore we go with the assumption that Mr Karunanidhi holds an engineering degree and acumen that made the world renowned builders follow his instructions. This reminds us of the unchallenged question that Mr Karunanidhi once asked of Ram – in which engineering college did Rama study to have built the Ram sethu?
Yes, he is right.
Rama was not an engineering expert.

Nala hurried – faster than Mr Karunanidhi in finishing the project. He finished it in just 5 days! What kind of workmanship can you expect in a 5-day project? No sooner did they finish, part of it was submerged in water.
And did they have any sense of importance for a grand gala opening? They just went along with the bridge as it was being built. Perhaps they did not have esteemed friends like Mr Karunanidhi has – to inaugurate the bridge.
Ok. Enough with the comparisons.
It is said that pictures speak better than words.
Let us see a comparison of the Rama’s work with Karunanidhi’s work.
Ram sethu becomes visible even at a height of 620 km.

Some better visibility of the New Secretariat happens at 243 metres.

Ram Sethu at 93 km height

At a height of 30 km, the dark patches are the visible structure above the sea water.

At 12 km.
Clear layers are seen. Impossible to happen like this in Nature for a short stretch connecting the two land masses.

At 5.8 km height

At 1 km height

Features of the structure boasted of by Mr Karunanidhi - become visible only at 1/2 km height.

At 3.93 km, the cricket stadium at Chepauk (red arrow) is a better visible object from the sky!

Rama Setu: explaining coral rocks at 10m. depth
I hope experts in the study of corals will explain the existence of coral rocks on Rama Setu in deeper layers, say 10 m. below sea-level according to bathymetry (sea-depth) and geological and geo-technical surveys reported in the government web-site.
The uniqueness of Rama Setu region with coral rocks as building blocks appears to be due to the following:
1. this is the only region in the world, along the coastline of Bharatam, ranging from Makran coast,
2. on either end of Rama Setu, there was subsidence of the canyon below the ocean, resulting in the rise of the land-link between Dhanushkodi and Talaimannar.
3. Ocean currents do NOT form coral blocks, ocean currents can only allow accumulation of limestone or mineral-encrusted-sand aggregates, corals are not indigenous to Rama Setu, blocks of coral rocks should have been brought from outside the region, say the coral reef islands from Tuthukudi to Rameswaram.
4. Rama Setu is a crescendo formed by a huge mountain, almost a canyon, rising in height in a steep slope — from 3000 m. below sea-level near Tuthukudi to almost zero m. between Dhanushkodi and Talaimannar.
5. Is it really possible to keep a 12 m. deep channel dredged, in the mid-ocean, through such a steel slope stable and safe from mountainous land-slides? Won’t the limestone rocks cave into such a channel, given the steep slope? Imagine such a canal in, say,
Please say " This bridge was built by Adam to capture Eva !! " then No Engineering qualification raised and this is secularism too.
No Engineering qualification raised becoz funds cannot be raised na!!
Adam's Bridge also known as Rama's Bridge or Rama Setu is a chain of limestone shoals, between Pamban Island, also known as Rameswaram Island, off the southeastern coast of Tamil Nadu, India, and Mannar Island, off the northwestern coast of Sri Lanka. Geological evidence suggests that this bridge is a former land connection between India and Sri Lanka.
The bridge is 18 miles (30 km) long and separates the Gulf of Mannar (southwest) from the Palk Strait (northeast). Some of the sandbanks are dry and the sea in the area is very shallow, being only 3 ft to 30 ft (1 m to 10 m) deep in places, which hinders navigation. [ It was reportedly passable on foot up to the 15th century until storms deepened the channel: temple records seem to say that Rama's Bridge was completely above sea level until it broke in a cyclone in 1480 CE.
The earliest map that calls this area Adam's bridge was prepared by a British cartographer in 1804, probably referring to an Islamic legend, according to which Adam used the bridge to reach Adam's Peak in Sri Lanka, where he stood repentant on one foot for many hundred years, leaving a large hollow mark resembling a footprint. Both the peak and the bridge are named after this legend.
This bridge has been one of the most interesting one 'whether this structure is natural or manmade.
I am not taking away any Credit whether it was built by Rama with the help of Vanara Sena [Monkey's army] to reach Sri Lanka to fight against demon King Ravana or it is naturally created or some other person constructed it. This is just a 30 KMS Long Bridge, Almighty Allah [God] has given us more superior Brain compares to all his creation. So we have already reach Moon and Now planning to go Planet Mars. Constructing 30 Kms long bridge was not a big deal.
If Hanuman had got super natural power to alter his body size and according to Hindu epic Ramayana that he had already tried to eat the Sun assuming it to be a fruit when he was just a child. The diameter of Sun is 1.4 million kilometer, In order to eat sun; Hanuman has to increase his mouth size more 1.4 million kilometer, If the legend story Ramayana is true, Then why Rama had to build the bridge between India and Sri Lanka.
If even Hanuman could increased his body size and put his finger tip on sea between India and Sri Lanka, itself be enough for Rama and Vanara sena [Monkey Army] to cross the Sea between two countries. According to the Hindu epic Ramayana, Hanuman is capable of flying. So he could just increase his body size and could took Rama and Vanara Sena in just Palm of one hand and easily flew to Sri Lank. If Hanuman had not got any supernatural power then Ram himself may just built a huge boat or some large size boats with help of Varana Sena and easily crossed 30 Kms long Sea.[Because In Mastya Purana Vishnu incarnated himself as a Fish to help Vaivasvata Manu to construct a huge Boat in order to save Humanity]
This is just a 30 KMS Long Bridge, Almighty Allah [God] has given Mankind more superior Brain compares to all his creation. So we have already reached Moon and now planning to go to Planet Mars. Normally People travel on the sea in Boat and ship. British, French, Spanish, Portuguese traveled thousands of Miles/Kilometers across Seas or Ocean in order to reach India, This Proves that the Adam Bridge is Natural form, So the Epic Ramayana was written by Valmiki who just Glorified the character of his fairy tale story whose statements itself contradict.
I understand your eagerness to say that Rama is stupid (saw your blog) and Ramsethu was not made by him. Hoping that you truly go by intellectual matter that you claim yourself to be through the display of your mark sheets in your blog, I request you to read more and research more on this issue from purely out of the gray matter of your brain.
To begin with I suggest you read the series of articles on scientific and historic articles on that for which 2 links are given (under the caption Ram sethu and Save Ram sethu) in the 'must-be read' column and one link captioned Ram sethu in the 'choose here' column in the right-side-bar of this page.
Also type muslims in the search box to get into the articles to see that your ancestors worshiped Rama until 1900s and that you are as you are now because about 6 to 7 generations ago your ancestors were forced to become muslims under duress. If you don't believe click the link in the top most of the list on must be read captioned "Know the Hindu past" to read the exact details recorded by muslim writers themselves. Some of the people who were mentioned by those authors as having been butchered might be related to your ancestors. Being an educated youth, I expect you to read them all and make an informed and educated assessment before writing a comment like the one you have posted above and to know who you are actually.
On Mr.Mani.,
Good that you have made some efforts to read Great Epic. Different dimensions of characters will evolve any number of times its read. It’s a research never ending.
Sri Rama is epitome of Righteousness., He behaves as humble human being in his entire incarnation. Mother Sita herself is capable of destroying Lanka & Ravan but waits as patient/ dutiful wife of Sri Rama. Sri Rama gives opportunity to his entire team to serve.
- Sri Rama does not instruct Hanuman directly to cross Lanka guidance was given to Hanuman by Jambavant.
- In building Sethu Bandan (Nal & Neel) vanaras who come under clan of Vishwakarma’s (Divine Architect) play major role.
- Sri Rama sends Prince Angad as his peace Ambassador. We can see teamspirit inspired especially in Yudha Kandam.
- Arjuna during his pilgrimage in Sethusamudram thinks why did Sri Rama struggle to make a Sethu. If I would have been there I would have made a Bridge of Arrows?? Like that at different yugas we can wonder ifs and buts. We should appreciate its all His divine play!!
karunanithi claim the sethu project to him because he have a gain in that contract. if the god ram give the contract to karunanith to built the. ramsethu still he to the construction work nd he definedly cheat the god ram and construct the ram sethu still his death. karunanithi always hurt. our hindu religion because then only he became a cm he always talk about the features of dravidian but he kill so many dravidian people like ours ellatamilars in srilanka even our god ram now leave he kill all srilankan people just in one hour jai sri ram
jayasreenathan pls answer me am born in amavasai 11oclock its good or bad some say bpurn in amavasai he became a thief its true or lie since am nt rubbering anything bt am so afraid of thos matter so pls give me a gud rply
@ Shivaprakash,
You yourself had said that you don't have the inclination to rob, then how could the so-called stigma attached to Amavasya be right?
Unfortunately many rumors and lies have come up over time on many astrological factors. The reason is as follows:
Every aspect of time (the 5 factors of Panchanga namely thithi, day, star, yoga and karana of the time of birth and the other time factors such as month, ayana and year) have some significances attached to them. They are analysed only in fixing a time for doing a particular work. For example even for doing robbery or murder, certain thithi- nakshtra- karana combination will make the robber or murderer do the crime successfully and escape without ever getting caught. The "kaLavu" (களவு) of 64 arts contains details of astrology of time for doing Kalavu. You will find a discussion on it in Silappadhikaram where the goldsmith blames Kovalan on astro factors of Kalavu. You can find those information in my Tamil blog.
What I am coming to say is that 'time' for any work can be identified by astrology. To put it differently a work or an incident can happen only when the above mentioned factors of time are conducive. You can check it in the terror attack in Mumbai 26/11. There are articles on that in my blog which you can read by using the search box.
This is how amavasya or any thithi comes into picture for making a work or incident happen. As for Amavasya, the best deal is to use that day for paying obeisances to ancestors. It is also good to worship Lord Shiva with noon puja and abhisheka with ganag jal and milk. That day is not meant for auspicious things because it is best suited to worship ancestors and Shiva. (Your parents have rightly named you as ShivaPrakash !!)
Unfortunately without knowing the validity and scope of astrology, people have started thinking that works that happen well in a star or thithi would come to be identified with the person born on that star or thithi.
The idea of robbery connected with Amavasya is not told in astrology and perhaps could have come up with the notion that the dark night of Amavasya will be helpful to the robber.
Another point I want to tell you and others is that a number of websites have come up on astrology, giving some prediction for everything form star, thithi etc. As I told, every factor of time has some attribute to it. But if you relate it to the person born on those factors, they would look irrelevant. The best course to identify a person's nature is done through horoscope and not through these factors.
Hope I conveyed.
Just stumbled upon this blog article from a Google search.
Good article & nice discussion.
Just stumbled upon this blog article from a Google search.
Good article & nice discussion.
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