An open allegation that Sonia Gandhi and her sisters have received 60% of the looted money in the spectrum scam has been made by Dr Subramanian Swamy in his letter sent to the Prime Minister on 24th November, 2010 . The letter is being reproduced below.
A detailed article by the former IAS officer, Mr Sundaram, on this accusation can be read here:-
Readers can also click the link at top of the right side bar of this blog, titled “Subramanian swamy” to read more about the allegations.
What was being talked in close circles has now come to the open.
Sonia has a mountain to hide, it seems.
Sonia has a mountain to hide, it seems.
But the congress clan can not survive without a Gandhi name.
They had hopes on Rahul Gandhi whose stock is also disappointing – particularly at the current juncture.
I expect them to troop around Priyanka Gandhi Vadra and might even decide that it is the right time for her to enter active politics.
The Spectrum joke that was doing rounds might become a reality soon in the latest era of 3-G series – Soniaji, Rahulji and Priyankaji.
If it happens then it means a long term plan coming to fruition.
I have a doubt on Priyanka from an angle which I thought was not decent to talk about.
But after reading the letter of Dr Swamy, I thought I can share my doubt with the readers.
But after reading the letter of Dr Swamy, I thought I can share my doubt with the readers.
Look at this video on Priyanka's childhood / growth.
In this 6-24 minute video, what you see until 3-59 minutes is the original face of Priyanka.
Some are reproduced here.
The nose has been restructured at the bridge and at the tip and looks like this now.
Priyanka originally looked like her daughter with a depressed nose bridge and protruding teeth. She is not what she is now seen.
In this 6-24 minute video, what you see until 3-59 minutes is the original face of Priyanka.
Some are reproduced here.
The nose has been restructured at the bridge and at the tip and looks like this now.
Priyanka originally looked like her daughter with a depressed nose bridge and protruding teeth. She is not what she is now seen.
It is clearly seen that she has done a nose job and an orthodontic correction of her teeth.
I am not commenting on that.
But remember the first time we (the public) were introduced to her photos and presence in the public?
How everyone talked that she resembled Indira Gandhi.
Particularly the nose and hair cut brought back memories of Indira Gandhi - it continues even today!
See this recent report from
and the pic.
Titled as “Priyanka Gandhi – The new Indira?”, the report says,
“When Priyanka Gandhi appeared at the prayer service on her father’s 66th anniversary on Friday, sporting a hair-style that bore an uncanny similarity to that of her late grandmother Indira Gandhi, people couldn’t help but marvel at how strikingly similar the two are.
Not just her hairdo, but even her features and her gait reminds many of the elegant and poised former Indian Premier”.
And this report from

Ever since Priyanka Gandhi hit her teens in the mid 1980s, people have wondered if she looks like her late grandmother and former Prime Minister, Indira Gandhi. On Friday when Priyanka turned up sporting a green cotton saree and a new curly hairstyle to pay tribute to her late father, Rajiv Gandhi, on his birth anniversary, there was no doubt left.
The 38-year-old daughter of UPA chairperson, Sonia Gandhi, bore the most stunning resemblance ever, to her grandmother. Style experts say it’s the new hairdo that’s done the trick.
“Priyanka’s new longer, softer curls are identical to Indira’s. She also shares her features, and her gait with her grandmom,” says designer Ritu Kumar.
Hairstylist Habib Ahmed, who used to style Indira Gandhi’s hair, says, “There’s a huge resemblance now, because of the new style. The texture of Priyanka’s and Indira’s hair are actually quite different. Also, Indira had a wedge cut, while Priyanka’s is a five line hair style. But, because both have a really sharp nose and similar face cut, the look seems very similar.”
Beauty expert Blossom Kochhar says, “With her new curly look, Priyanka’s looking absolutely like Indira. When she will get older, if she decides to add that trademark grey streak that Indira had, she will totally look like her. She’s the softer version of Indira Gandhi.”
(end of report)
Even educated people can be easily attracted to compare her with Indira.
The wiki article also does that.
But her original face had no such resemblance to Indira.
It is well within her right to have any kind of facial restructuring she wants.
But if the outcome is to resurrect the image of Indira, then I wonder if it was a planned one - rather a kind of strategy that would be an asset when she enters politics.
If the family has a long term plan, then this is very much a planned one.
If things become difficult for Sonia Gandhi, it is very much possible that Priyanka will be roped in.
Again the country is going to be mesmerized by a family that has a personal agenda.
Dr Swamy’s recent letter :-
Dr. Manmohan Singh,
Prime Minister of India ,
South Block,
Dear Prime Minister:
You may by now have realized that the 2G Spectrum scandal is not only bad for the country in the dimension of corruption, but now it emerges that there is a national security dimension too. The RAW, IB, CBI, ED all have enough material which they may have placed before you regarding the dubious aspects of the principal player in this scam.
According to my information two sisters, Anushka and Nadia, of Ms Sonia Gandhi had received sixty percent of the kickbacks in this deal i.e. Rs.18,000 crores each. The frequent travel of Sonia Gandhi and her immediate family to Malaysia , Hongkong, Dubai and parts of Europe including London requires to be probed under the law. What requires your special attention is the mode of the travel, not by commercial airliners, but by jets provided by the corporate sector which itself is illegal under the DGCA Rules. I find that often Ms. Sonia Gandhi and family have traveled to Dubai and then traveled onwards on private jets provided by dubious Arab business interests to Europe . It is not clear on what passport they have traveled. In Dubai they were felicitated by agencies of countries which are hostile to India including that of Pakistan .
You can no more not take a stand when evil is permeating in the country in the form of terrorism, religious conversion and demographic infiltration. The ill-gotten money in billions of dollars equivalent, the money laundering and Participatory Notes have all undermined our national integrity. The time is come for you to take a stand.
I am familiar with the information and data with our intelligent agencies. I also know that you can seek cooperation of other countries especially the United States in pooling information especially from inter Intelligence interaction that take place regularly. I hope therefore you will rise to the need of the hour and take effective steps to set right the sorry state of affairs in the country caused by overtly and covertly resident foreigners. In this connection I would like to meet you at the earliest. My Secretary will be in touch with your Secretariat to fix a time.
Yours sincerely,
I don't understand. If she has been systematically looting the country, how does she manage to survive and even win elections? Is she all that blessed in her prarabdha????
//I don't understand. If she has been systematically looting the country, how does she manage to survive and even win elections? //
nowhere else it will happen, but in India it happens and has happened. At least now we must wake up.
Is it her prarabdha?
yes, and our prarabhda too:)
But we can't even say what her horoscope says. As per Swamy's contention, her original date of birth is something else and not the one that she has furnished in her election application. Her birth certificate says some other date and place! Read the link I have provided in the side bar on Subramanian swamy.
As per Swamy's letter, Sonia and her family are making fortune out of our land.Looks like what British looted in 200 years, Sonia might have looted in last 20 years.
I pray that this letter creates the neccesary change in the country and the dynasty must be routed. I have read that Sonia Gandhi is planted in India by an infamous Vatican Bank scamster.
Still can't get Dr Swamy's explosive letter to the PM - I salute his determination and courage to doggedly pursue the truth.
Just like you read Raja's horoscope, can you read Swamy's also and tell us if he will be successful - we really want him win this tough battle and drive these looters out of the country.
Dear Raghuram, Rama and Shanti,
I share your concerns and opinions.
On shanti's comment, I don't have Dr Swamy's horoscope. But I used to worry about his safety. From the pics of him, I make out that his life line is safe.
I think if swamy wins - on the current issues - it is actually a victory for India. If you have seen yesterday's interview by Rattan Tata in NDTV, it gives an impression that he too has something to hide. We have come to a situation when corruption at all levels primarily fueled by Politician -corporate - media nexus has gone beyond the stretch limit that it has to eventually fall. It is happening at this juncture. The players in the corrupt nexus will do everything to safeguard their skin. But unless we remain steadfast in our effort to break this nexus, the rot will continue.
From what the heavens indicate, rule of Justice will prevail in India as long as Jupiter remains in Pisces in opposition to Saturn.This is until May 2011 only. Some thing good will happen in this period. As far as Tamilnadu is concerned the elections are going happen in this period. The corrupt will be replaced.
For more details, read my old posts and the comments to "Dont underestimate Jayalalithaa" and the post on Enthiran audio release.
Added another report from Hindusthan Times on Priyanka's resemblance to Indira mainly on nose.
Future of Congress in South India may get affected by the resignation of Jagan from Congress.
If you have time enough, see if you can say anything on the future of Jagan, son of YSR, former CM of AP. Personally, I feel Congress missed a big leader by him resigning. Actually the motive of Sonia and YSR (in one respect) is same...that is...expanding Christian faith in AP. So, the discord between those families is somewhat unexpected.
Date of Birth: Dec 21, 1972
Place of Birth: Pulivendula, Kadapa, AP.
Time of Birth: Apx 08:15 a.m.
NVS Prakasam.
PS: Recent Bihar results are eye opener. People can change their Karma. Probably, years of grief and poverty might have pushed them to introspect and support Dharma to some extent.
Welcome Mr Surya,
I was expecting your comment:)
Are you sure of the birth rime?
I already have a time which is 7-38 am. The navamsa positions change in this.
However my assessment is that he will make some gains in the short run, but will be a damp squib in the long run.
Please remove the youtube link. It creates a atmosphere of sympathy for the family watching all of them together with such lilting music. Your message is lost after watching the video.
I am not sure of timing of Jagan.
See if following 2 points may help in deciding timing:
1. He has 2 children, both daughters.
2. Even though he born in a wealthy family (when compared to others in his region), he started accumulating unimaginable wealth at jet speed in the last 4 years only. The noticeable thing is he got Money and Fame both at the sametime.
Interestingly, media is making too much hype on Jagan and less of Kiran Kumar Reddy (new CM). His birth details are known without proper timing: Sep-13-1960, born in Hyderabad.
Some facts about him:
1. Very good cricket player, but had to enter politics due to the death of his father.
2. B.Com, LLB.
3. Has son and daughter.
Oath taking ceremony on 25-11-2010 at 12.14 PM Hyderabad. There were some discussions in news channels saying that is "bad" muhurta.
I wont mind mam if you dont spend any time on these things due to PS below.
NVS Prakasam.
PS: How funny the lives of the "observers." We know its all part of the Game, but still want to know what next, why that next, and how it will. Probably because we still have some "karma bondage" with the "4 dimentional world." The moment it clears up, we may not care even the presence of God in physical form and may say "God, plz stop doing such kind of things and give me Moksha." Until then, we have to play "some part" in a game called "society." Maybe "Knowledge" is also a bondage. Thats why when one takes Sanyasa, that person should not even remember his knowledge unless asked (Some Sringeri swami was said be vedic pandit, but after he had taken sanyasa, he did not remember vedic mantras too). Let me stop here and save your time.
I understand your point Mr Shankara.
Could you or anyone get the early photos of Priyanka? I want to draw attention to those pics. After stumbling upon this youtube, I searched for her old pics, but could not get. That is why this youtube link is given.
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