Monday, October 29, 2012

Kali Yantra in crop circles of Europe!

In continuation of select articles from my Tamil series, here is the 3rd one translated by Ms Shantha. The original in Tamil can be read here:-

The previous articles in this connection can be read in the links below:-

(1)               From Indus Proto-Siva to Celtic Cernunnos.

(2)               The Stars of the Jews and Christians originated in India!


(We ended the 2nd article with a note on the crop circle found in Wiltshire that resembled Syama Kali yantra.)

Certain formations or patterns have been appearing suddenly, usually overnight, in crop fields in certain places during the last few decades. These are known as CROP CIRCLES or Crop formations. These patterns are formed with grain stalks that are bent-over in the fields. The crops are not cut down or uprooted to form these patterns. Rather they seem to be formed by fully bending the crops to form regular shapes.


These crop formations strangely appear overnight. In some instances these formations were witnessed to occur even during day times and the crops were seen to be bent rapidly to form a pattern. These crop formations are often elaborate designs of geometric forms that involve several circles, squares, triangles, rectangles and lines and often represent profound mathematical theorems. It is possible to come up with such patterns with a computer. But it has been generally accepted by researchers that to form these complex patterns in crop fields of several acres without damaging the crops or their neighborhood, and that too overnight, is not possible with currently available technology.


The crop formations do not appear as same patterns all over the places. There have been several distinct patterns. Some of them remind of us of our Indian Rangoli patterns. Yet others bear resemblance to Yogic and Tantric patterns. One such Yantra pattern appeared suddenly on September 3rd 1993 in a field in Bythorn, Cambridgeshire in England. Here is an aerial photograph of that formation.



The pentagram is the principal geometric shape of this pattern. (This same pentagram was seen on top of Cernnunos' head). The white portions in this picture are where the crops had been tamped down in careful and precise curves. The stalks of none of the crops had been broken. Normally, the stalks would have broken if they had been bent to that extent by hands or other instruments. Instead they appear as if they are held tightly by an unseen elastic band and are bent over completely.


Despite all the technological advances of recent decades, as of date we do not have the technology to force these crops down to such an extent without breaking them. There are several opinions and conclusions regarding these crop formations some of which seem to indicate that these are out of the reaches of current human capabilities. Some crop circle researchers (known as Cereologists) believe that these shapes are formed by forces about which we are yet to understand. Several such foreign researchers who are against blind beliefs and faiths do seem to believe that crop formations are the work of aliens! These researchers try to find associations of stars that are representative of Jewish and Christian faiths in these crop circles!


The reality is that such formations are created in Nature in other planes too. For example it is possible to create such geometric patterns by passing sound waves through water or other liquids. This type of scientific research is known as CYMATICS.  When sound waves of a particular frequency were passed through a liquid, following shapes emerged in the liquid.



It is interesting to note that some of the above patterns bear likeness to certain Yantra patterns that are worshiped in India. The picture in the middle resembles a Rahu Yantra. Pictures below show such a similarity between these two shapes.



Picture on the right is Rahu Yantra. On the left is a pattern created by Cymatics.


Likewise, the first picture in the last row is an intersection of 6 x 6 lines. If we had an 8 x 8 intersection, it is known as Narayana Yantra. We can see both of them below.



On the right-hand side is Narayana Yantra. This is a square with 8 x 8 intersecting lines to form 64 smaller squares. The Narayana Mantra is also Ashtakshara (8-syallabled) so it is easy to see that the Narayana Yantra was formed not arbitrarily but with significance to the number 8. The number 8 is written as '' (tamil alpahabet's first letter equivalent to A of the English Alpahabets). Alphabet or letter is known as Akshara in Sanaskrit; Akshara means indestructible. In the Bhagavad Gita, Bhagavan Sri Krishna identifies himself as the first alphabet ' ' among all letters.


Another interesting fact about this Narayana Yantra is that land was measured and divided in units of 8 x 8 in India of olden days. Many olden inscriptions unearthed all over the sub-continent on land donations, do indicate that land was always measured as a fraction of 64. Vastu Sastra, the science pertaining to construction, says that this measurement (of 8 x 8) is significant and auspicious. The number 64 known as ChathusShashti in Sanskrit is said to present propitious conditions for living. This number in connection with Lord Narayana solves some puzzles of ancient Tamil culture in the use of amulet called 'Ayim Padai Thaali' (means 'amulet having 5 weapons'). I am not reproducing those details in this article as they can be read in the Tamil article.  


Patterns similar to the ones created through CYMATICS can actually be created by natural forces. The ancient Indians had identified such natural patterns and used their special powers by means of worship. One such pattern was the pentagram star. This was the representation of the Deity Syama Kali.


The pattern that was found in the BYTHORN fields represents Syama Kali. In India, there is a practice even until today to worship Syama Kali in the form of the pentagram star that is engraved on a copper plate. The Syama Kali Yantra looks as below:



Here the pentagram star is inside a circle enclosed in a square outer form having four gates. This is known as Mandala. The square represents the material world and the gates are the entry points from four directions – east, west, north and south - into the yantra. This formation is known as SarvoBhadra which means protections from all directions. The Syama Kali Yantra has a triangle in the center whereas the BYTHORN crop circle does not have it.



The central portions of this crop circle in the aerial photograph are not very clear.


Triangle represents Kali. In Kali Yantra there is just one triangle in the center.



All Yantras associated with a female Deity generally has a Kali triangle in its center. Sri Chakra (Goddess Lakshmi) Yantra also has a triangle in its center (shown in red colour).



In the BYTHORN crop circle formation, the center is not formed well – leading one to suppose that Kali's power did not manifest completely there.


Now let us see the relevance of Kali in the pentagon shape. The very name Kali inspires fear and evokes images of rapidity. None equals her in her potential to vanquish the evil. The word Kali means darkness; it also means war. Syama Kali means the same albeit with more of everything. Syama means black. This image of Kali is seen in the formation of hurricanes is a matter of interest in this context. The hurricane also exhibits some wild power and swiftness and is fearsome.


Look at the natural formation of Kali's pentagram star in the eye of the hurricane in the picture below.



The aerial pictures of two hurricanes that swept through USA show a naturally formed 5-point star in the eye of the hurricane. The 5-pointed star is much clearer in the right hand side picture.


We are aware of the natural forces that created such hurricanes. But there are other natural forces of which we are not aware and that are not detected by scientific instruments. One among them manifested as Syama Kali in BYTHORN fields!


The crop circle formations appear more often in countries such as England, Italy, Germany and Netherland. Among these, England's WILTSHIRE area seems to have more occurrences than the rest. Interestingly, the crop circles that resemble Syama Kali Yantra with its pentagram star seem to appear in this area than others.



Annually, at least 50 crop circles appear in the fields in this area. This area is also home to the ancient Stonehenge, a prehistoric megalithic monument composed of a circular setting of large standing stones.



Archaeologists believe this stone monument was constructed anywhere from 3000 BC to 2000 BC. Several such circular stone formations have been found in nearby areas. A crop circle was formed in a field adjacent to the Stonehenge. The Left hand side pictures below show the crop circle that formed next to the Stonehenge.



Some opine that the Stonehenges represent lunar calendars that is based on the waxing and waning of the moon and that the crop circle in the picture to the left shows this. We will look into this later. The dead had been buried beneath or nearby these stones. Research shows that not all deaths were natural. The common factor here is the triangle.


The significance of the right hand side monument in WEST KENNETH LONG BARROW is that the shape of this monument is a triangle. As shown in picture above, the burial stones have been laid out as two triangles within a square. See picture below.



Such burial stone formations are seen in a lot of places in this area of England. It is also in this area that those patterns including the Syama Kali Yantra suddenly appear from nowhere. Interestingly, England is also in the shape of a triangle!



Next to England, crop circle formations are seen most in the island of Sicily near Italy.



Picture above shows Italy and the triangular Sicily in the South.


Picture below shows a trianglular area in Holland (Netherland). Crop circles have turned up in this area as well. One such formation is shown in the picture to the right.



Picture below shows an ancient castle in Germany. This WEWELSBURG castle is in the shape of a triangle.


A crop circle showed up in the landscape inside the castle.


In rare occasions, crop circles have appeared in areas other than the above. One such was in Sarvestan in the district of FARS in Iran. That district is also in the shape of a triangle.



Pictures above show the crop circle pattern that showed up there. There had never been any crop circles in Iran or India so far. But one circle appeared recently in Sarvestan in Iran – which in Sanskrit means a place that has everything!


The district that Sarvestan is situated is called as Fars. The current triangular borderline for this district has actually been the same for over 5000 years.


(Before proceeding further, let me insert some information on the old name of Iran.

Iran was known as Persia and in the ancient Persian language, it was known as Parshwa.

Parshwa became Parsa, then Paraswash.

Paraswash sounds similar to Parashuram and it is possible that the area's original inhabitants were people who migrated here from India for fear of the inimical Parashurama. 

There are other meanings also.


Parshwam is a Sanskrit word.


It means, 'next to' or 'close by' or 'adjacent'.


If Persia was adjacent area, what was India then?

It was the mainland which had an adjacent land called as Parshwa.

Do adjacent areas form first or the central area? Or is the central area established first and areas adjacent to it come next? Is it not logical that central areas are first established and subsequently adjacent areas or boundaries form next to it later on?


Does this not mean that culture flourished first in the center and then spread to boundaries? Bharat (India) was the main land and Parshwa became its boundary. People who lived in India but had abandoned the Vedic Religion were expelled to the borders (Parshwa)


Look at the other meanings for the word Parshwam.


The circumference of a circle is also known as Parshwam.


The circumference of a wheel is known as Parshwam.


Parswhwa has yet another meaning in Sanskrit. In a horse carriage, it is the piece that connects the axle to the horses. Persia was known for its horses. Without this piece (Parshwa) horse carriages cannot run. This also seems to indicate that Persian lands were dependent on India.


Sarvestan is in this Fars area. Even the name Sarvestan seems to indicate an Indian, Sanskrit origin. When this land in ancient Persia evolved into present day Iran, the district of Fars turned up to be an area bounded by a triangle. We must note that crop circles showed up in fields in this triangular region.


There are reports of crop circles having appeared in the islands of Java. Areas in Java such as Yogyakartha where they have appeared also seem to be almost triangular in shape.


Among all triangles, the most popular is the BERMUDA TRIANGLE.. This is an area in the ocean.



This triangular region in the Atlantic Ocean has been renowned for its mysterious powers that are capable of incapacitating avionic or naval instruments that enter into this region. In some cases, ships or planes have known to have disappeared in this region leaving no clue behind.


We learn from such instances that there are different types of energies at work in these triangular regions for which there is no convincing scientific explanations as of date. Some triangular boundaries are formed naturally in the seas or in lands. Some are artificially created triangular boundaries – like the Wewelsburg castle in Germany. But the common factor here is, if a triangular shape is involved, we find strange instances of paranormal forces or energies at work about which man is yet to learn.


We do not know when these forces would spring into action. Research shows that there are remnants of such forces in the wake of crop circle formations. Researchers have found that there is some unexplained electromagnetic activity in newly formed crop circles for some time after they are created.


In another research in Wiltshire in England, scientists placed cameras and instruments in the fields that are known to have plenty of crop circles activities and observed the fields continuously. One such observation in East Field turned up an image of strange illuminated objects hovering above the fields and within ten minutes a crop circle formed below. That crop circle is shown in picture below.



We note here that East Field boundaries are in the shape of a triangle.



Map above shows the boundaries of the East Field region. The boundaries are formed with streets.

The triangular shape of England was formed by the seas surrounding it.

However, in its interior regions, triangular boundaries are formed with streets on the edges or fences or walls or mountains as the boundaries.

In any case, crop circles appeared in East Field which was a triangular area bounded by streets. The spot where the crop circle appeared within these triangles is shown in yellow in picture above.


Special and unexplained powers are contained in triangular shapes. It appears that specific forces or energies seem to come into play in such areas. I have observed this phenomenon first-hand. Generally in India, one cannot find triangular shaped lands. But there was one such piece of land in an Industrial town in Tamil Nadu. I came to know about this place about 15 years back. Any effort done in this area to start an industry met with failures. Buildings collapsed in this area. Workers met with accidents. Investors in this factory lost their money completely. They encountered fearful dreams and experiences. That land passed nearly 7 hands. When the 7th owner started experiencing similar misfortunes, someone placed a Kali Yantra there. Peace resumed after that. Even then all profitable enterprises that were started there met with immediate failures. After this, no economic venture was done there and only the worship of Kali was done there. Only after this, the people connected with that land got peace of mind and success in their business endeavors.


When we take all of this into consideration, we see that Goddess Kali's energies reside in triangular shapes. When these energies are propitiated appropriately, benefits can be obtained. The extreme devotion to this Kali is denoted as Syama Kali. That Syama Kali is represented as the 5-pointed star with the triangle in its center. This Syama Kali pattern often appears as crop circles in England. The 5-pointed star is found on top of Cernnuno's head.


Cernnunos is a Celtic deity. Celts were people who inhabited England. They have been very familiar with this 5-pointed star. But this familiarity must have come from India. This is because, the triangular shape, the 5-pointed star, its significance, the benefits that can be obtained through their worship etc. were all knowledge that originated in India and are practiced till date. This knowledge had been carefully preserved and propagated from generation to generation in India and well established here and continues to be in practice even today. We can definitely conclude that all this knowledge was from India. We should also note that India is also in the shape of a triangle.



If one were to argue, that this is not the case and that all this information originated from or propagated by the so-called Aryans that emigrated from Europe, this raises the question then why all their information regarding such patterns and shapes have no convincing explanations in their lands? It is clear that all this knowledge went from India to Europe. Without careful propagation or guidance, these symbols soon degraded to the level of occult symbols in Europe.


The most important evidence for this comes from the STONEHENGE monument in the Wiltshire area. We will discuss this further in the next article.











Redheartkid said...

Beautiful explanation and small light over the Bermuda triangle. Waiting for the next article about the Stonehenge.

Thanks a lot

R.V.Raghavan said...

The Oregon Sri Yantra was most interesting.

Jayasree Saranathan said...

@ Redheartkid.

I didn't elaborate on Bermuda Triangle as my purpose is to show that any triangular shaped formation would automatically have strong natural forces manifested therein.

The various shapes of Vedic altars, the Kolam (rangoli) that we make in the puja room have a significance in that such shapes trap the energy peculiar to that energy. We extract the benefits from that energy by mantras and puja.

The Vedic rishis have had knowledge of these shapes and energies and named them as Gods. That is why we have numerous Gods in Hinduism.

Taking this logic further, I would say that the first man did not come from Apes as a matter of Darwinian evolution. The Hindu texts identify the 'manasa puthra' - beings formed from mind of Brahma as the progenitors of human race. Like how some energy is manifested in a shape in crop circles, so was the first man manifested from some kind of energy.

The next article on Stonehenge and related info on Druids is under translation by Ms Shantha. She informed me that she will finish it by this week end.

Jayasree Saranathan said...

@ R.V. Raghavan,

Before commenting on Sri chakra in Oregon, let me say that there is a relation between the shape of the land where the crop circle is manifest and the deity.

For example Kali or Syama Kali is always associated with pentagram. Kali stands for destruction and further analysis of Kali from Indian texts and how India itself stands as the land of Kali due to its triangular shape will be discussed in a future article. The growth of a spiritual society in India was possible because of this shape. That society was not materialistic in mind and considered spirituality as the goal of human life.

As long as that was the collective motto of the society, there was no poverty and decay in India. But when that was altered by Muslim invasions for the first time, India started experiencing the negative impact of Kali which continues even today. By this I am giving a warning to the Indians (in a future article with more connection to triangular shape within India) that if they shun that spiritual path of Hinduism and go after alien religions, they are doomed to suffer.

Now coming to Oregon Sri chakra, the shape of the place decides the kind of energy that is manifest. Lakshmi is associated with Lotus. The Sri suktha Homa kunda has the shape of lotus. If Sri chakra is to appear as crop circle, the surrounding land must have lotus shape. When I searched the web for this crop circle. I came across the following site showing the shape of the place like a lotus petal where Sri chakra design appeared

The lake bed looks like a single petal of the lotus in the middle of which the design had appeared.
See the Google map:-

Like this the shapes of places can be identified with yantras of specific deities.

The temples for specific deities and the pedestals for specific deities are constructed on specific geometric shapes related to specific deities. In this connection the shapes of the Homa kunda (fire altar) for different deities and their yantras as consecrated in their temples can be applied to crop circles of specific yantra shapes to test the veracity of my claim.

The reason to establish (consecrate) the energy form of the specific deity in the temple and pedestal in specific geometric shapes is to help mankind to extract the benefit from that energy through manta, japa and worship.

The same rationale applies to idols which are made with specific dimensions laid out by rishis. The shape of the idol has some relation with the geometric mandala where that God is trapped as an energy, It must be noted that in Hinduism idol worship is considered to be the 5th form among the 5 forms in which God appears - of which first 2 are cosmic forms, one is within in every living being (antaryami)and the other was born as avatars such as Rama and Krishna.


Jayasree Saranathan said...

The same rationale (energy trapped in geometric shapes)is the basis of Vastu sastra. According to it any square or rectangular formation that can be divided into 8 x 8 parts (Chathus-sashti as told in this article) or 9 x 9 parts (Eka sheeti) are ideal for human dwellings. The reason is 32 Gods (energy forms present in Nature) will be automatically manifest within that shape with Sun (energy of Brhma ) at the centre. Depending on the nature of the energy of each of them, you build a bed room or a kitchen or the bath room in relevant areas within that square.

In my opinion the US has a more or less good rectangular shape making it highly Vastu complaint. The material progress of the US can not be disputed (despite the current economic crisis). It is because of the trapping of energies within the rectangle.

The earth itself is a square shaped Vastu mandala inscribed within a circle. The 8 primary energies are identified as 8 directions or ashta dik gajas - 8 elephants. Skilful use of the earth within this mandala was known to ancient Hindus.

They categorized this into 4 broad heads. (1) land related (bhumi)Town planning, village planning,digging water ways (ponds, tanks including.
(2)Dwellings (Prasada)- for people and Gods (temples)
(3)Conveyance (Yaana) - vehicles. Most of these are lost but are known from ancient texts.
(4) Furniture (Sayana). Even the dimensions of a sofa or chair has some connection to retention of energy forms so that they last long.

Jayasree Saranathan said...

Another thought on the shapes of the crop circles:-

There are many shapes that do not coincide with yantra forms of Hindu deities. For example, the shape shown in the following link and the other shapes shown in that site:-,%20Washington%20County%20%28July%2020,%201994%29.html

In some cases power cables were there overhead making us think whether any release of unseen electrical energy (in some ionic form) had caused those shapes. I have an opinion that energy has a shape which we are seeing in these shapes. Sensing such energies, our ancients formed the alphabets based on their shape.

To explain this, let me mention the Om symbol. It is written as a single letter.

This resembles the magnetic currents around the earth that look like loops on either side of the globe (in two dimension). This magnetic loop offers protection to the earth from harmful radiation, solar flares and cosmic radiation.

Such a shape was made (as Om) on which meditation is done. Such a shape perhaps traps the energy that offers protection. If you notice, the sound O is made with a loop (circular) shape of the lips. The letters O in Tamil also possess the loop. (English O also has the loop)

Taking this rationale further, I am of the opinion that the letters were given shapes based on some energy created while uttering that letter. The connection of some numbers to letters (katapayadhi)shows that formation of letters of Sanskrit was very scientific and olden. Energy forms coupled with some math has given rise to formation of letters. That is why the mere utterance of a letter caused some effects. This is the idea behind the potency of Vedic chant.

I consider both sanskrit and Tamil as being formed in this way and any other formation or formation of other languages of the world were derived from these or were remnants of this system that was forgotten or lost in due course.

Anonymous said...

Crop circle are warning to Big Brother and NATO

that Kalki Avatar is watching him

There was a crop circle in USA which show kalki avatar with sword

Crop circle mystery solved

For full read visit the best blog on planet on crop circl

Link Below+