Monday, September 28, 2020

No axial precession of the earth– proven by archaeoastronomy of ancient monuments.

My 5-part paper establishing the concept discussed in this article can be read HERE


My recent article in First Post on this topic: Conflict between Archaeo-astronomy and Astronomy reveals new understanding of the Equinoxes


The sun crosses the equator twice a year from north to south and vice versa. This point is defined as the intersection of the ecliptic (the apparent path of the sun which is actually the projected path of the earth around the sun) and the celestial equator which is the projection of earth’s equator into the celestial sphere. The intersecting point (equinox) is supposed to be moving backward or westward. According to the theory of precession of the equinoxes, this backward motion is perceived due to the continuous change in the axial tilt of the earth. That is, the axial tilt of the earth is supposed to make the sun at the equinox, appear at different points gradually over a period of time.

Some 2000 years ago, Aries was sighted at the backdrop. This gradually shifted backwards, by which the equinox coincided with the star Revati (Zeta Piscium), and now at the beginning of Uttara Bhadrapada (Algenib), at 6 degrees of Pisces (Sidereal zodiac). This movement happens at the rate of approximately 72 years per degree of the visible sky, at the current rate of precession.

One of the visible proofs of test for this movement is that the structures built long ago aligned with the equinox should not appear with the same alignment. Interestingly we do come across many ancient structures aligned to the equinox or solstice points of today.

To begin with let me show the Gopuram (tower) of the Padmanabha Swamy temple of Tiruvananthapuram, India, which attracts many people on equinox days, because the sun on the equinox day can be seen exactly crossing the middle of the Gopuram. 

Padmanabhaswamy temple

Many people glorify this as an archaeological wonder of the ancient builders. Had they built it exactly to align with the equinox of the day (400 + years ago), how is it possible that we continue to see the same alignment today also?

As per the axial precession theory, the equinox cannot be sighted at the center of the tower, if it was built aligned to the equinox of the day. If the alignment continues to be the same, it means that the equinox occurs at the same point of the ecliptic year after year, and for all the years since long. It then means that there is no change in the axial tilt of the earth, or the earth’s angle with the sun. Then what causes the precession of the equinox needs some other explanation and not the idea, that axial precession of the earth is the cause. If the earth’s axial tilt is changing which is what the current precession theory proposes, then we should not be seeing the equinoctial alignment of the tower of the temple today.

Not only Padmanabha Swamy temple, there are other temples in India and many ancient monuments across the globe, built during different time periods in the past, but are found perfectly aligned with the equinox of today. There is no way to say that they are coincidental or made to give a spectacle for the 21st century people, i.e. us. Before I proceed to present them, I want to highlight that this perfect alignment is proof of ABSENCE of axial precession of the earth, a fact that has been recently noticed by a section of the scientific community while assessing the lunar data here, here and here.   

It is understood that there is no change in the tropical equinoctial date in the Gregorian calendar. The spring equinox always occurs on 21st March (or 20th to 21st March).  As per precession theory this date must have drifted by 5.9 days since the inception of Gregorian calendar 420 years ago, but is found to be occurring on the same date. The only adjustment done is with reference to the leap year.  The days on the orbit of the earth are constant such that the equinox comes back on the same date.

The difference is with reference to background stars which is the basis of Vedic astronomy and time keeping. There can be only one explanation for the equinoctial sun coming to the same point in the sky of the earth but the background star -studded space appearing to move forward (by which the equinoctial sun is seen in front of successive westward points in space) and that explanation is that the sun is like a moving train with the background trees seeming to move in the opposite direction. This movement is not caused by the inmates of the train (us / the earth, in this analogy), but by the movement of the train (the sun).

The annual shift noticed of the equinoctial sun in the backdrop of the stars is mistaken by western astronomy as being caused by the trepidation of the earth, whereas we coming from the background of Vedic astrology are originally taught by our teachers that the sun is moving! Thousands of years of observation by this society had taught us that the equinoctial sun moves to and fro in the backdrop of stars – the clarity about the frame of reference, that modern science is yet to recognize.   

This movement of the sun in the backdrop of the stars with the internal alignment with the earth kept intact is shown in the following illustrations.  The picture below shows the vernal equinox around 2k years ago, aligning with Asvini. Note that the alignment between the earth and the sun remained the same. 

A 1000 years after that, the background star was different, but the earth’s alignment with the sun remained the same and the vernal equinox had occurred around 21st March only (pic below)

The same trend continues at present too. (pic below)

When the background star is taken as the frame of reference, precession is noticed. In the absence of axial precession of the earth, the movement in the backdrop is possible if the entire solar system is precessing. As the sun keeps moving across the space along with the solar system, the background stars are drifting in the opposite direction which is perceived as backward motion of the equinoctial sun.

The alignment between the earth and the sun had remained constant for all ages. This is proven by the numerous monuments of the old that are aligned to the equinoxes and the solstices till date. There is no substance in claiming that such monuments were built 24k years ago on the basis of the 24k precession cycle. The dating concept based on precession is redundant as per this realization that the earth’s axial tilt is not changing which implies that the earth is not behaving like a spinning top or a gyroscope – a concept that is the basis for 24k year precession. Further details on the Vedic concept of equinoctial movement can be read in my paper HERE.

Astronomical alignment of ancient monuments not changed.

The fact that we are able to see the equinoctial sun pass through the Gopuram of Padmanabha Swamy temple is by itself a proof for the absence of axial precession of the earth which further indicates null scope for the luni–solar influence on the earth for precession.

The constancy of the date is applicable to any other date in the year around the sun. For example the temple at Abu Simbel built by Rameses II between 1279 and 1213 B.C to celebrate his domination of Nubia, has his image carved at a place such that the sun light falls on King Ramses II’s face exactly on two days in the year, on February 22, marking his coronation, and  on October 22, marking his birthday. (picture below) This is being sighted for thousands of years since he built it in this way.

This is proof of the fixed dates of the Gregorian calendar and also the fixed alignment between the earth and the sun such that the sunlight or sighting the sun at a particular location in the sky never changes. This is proof for the absence of axial precession of the earth. If the earth’s axis is drifting, the dates will change for the above phenomena and for the equinoxes. The above information on Abu Simbel was taken out NASA site, that is to say that NASA had recognized the alignment, but yet to declare in the open that this is possible only in the absence of the concept of axial precession for the earth.

I came across a justification in this site  for the equinoctial alignment at the Mayan pyramid of Kukulcan (Chichen Itza) that it is ‘PRECESSIONAL CLOCK WITH ITS ALARM SET FOR THE TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY’!! Why should the Mayan toil to work out an astronomical alignment that can be visible only after 1000 years? Mayans were not alone in this kind of alignment there are many other similar ones.

NASA had highlighted the Kukulcan phenomenon as follows. (Read here)

Watch the video here: 

For more than 1000 years, this alignment had not changed. Without realizing this, we continue to believe that the earth’s axis is precessing.

 Closer home, look at Angkor Wat temple built at 12th century CE. On the day of equinox, the sun rises exactly touching the central tower. Can anyone claim the time of construction of this temple to 24k years ago as per the current theory of precession cycle?

The next one I want to highlight is the famous Stonehenge at Great Britain. The same NASA site has the following to say.

As per this version this was built between 3500 to 5000 years ago. In the 18th century it was noticed that the sunrise on the day of the summer solstice aligned with the center of this structure. Now 200 years after this observation, the solstice must have moved upto 3 degrees, that is away from the centre, but what do we see now?

The alignment continues to exist and people gather to see the sun sink or rise at the same central part in-between the two pillars. How is this possible if not for the absence of precession?

The next one I want to highlight is the same phenomenon at Mnajdra temples of Malta, in the Mediterranean. I have a big story for this temple in a future video of my Indic Past series. For now let me point out the equinoctial sun lighting up the center of the entrance while the solstices illuminate the two apses of this structure believed to have been built in the 4th millennium.

Graham Hancock wishes to push the date to the previous cycle of the precession circle –which if accepted would be found wanting in an explanation for the same phenomenon in other places including the Padmanabha swamy temple built 400 years ago. 

Another place highlighted by the NASA site is the pre-historic Chaco Canyon in New Mexico showing similar astronomical alignment.

Today the equinoctial sun can be sighted exactly at the east and west doors of the structure. (Picture below)

The sun light on the solstice day cuts the spiral design engraved on top (Picture below).

There are many places that one can catch up from the NASA site. I am just showing a few more before winding up this topic.

The main structure of Grianan of Aileach of Ireland, built in 6th or 7th century CE is a ring-fort in stone, aligned with the equinoxes. The equinoctial sun light exactly passes through the entrance and the sunlight cuts the arena into half as shown in the figure. What would you say about this - made to entertain the 21st century people or a natural phenomenon that exists for ever without any change?

Finally I want to highlight the 7 Ahu Akivi statues of the Easter Island. Stanford essay states that these statues built around 1460 CE are so located that they exactly face the spring equinox while their backs face the autumn equinox. The link features too many other similar locations of astronomical alignment.

Coming to India, I am of the opinion that many of the south Indian temples must have been aligned to the equinoxes (tropical) though for all practical purposes we follow sidereal point for equinox. The reason for the tropical alignment can be traced to the Vaastu principles in following ‘exact east’ (Shuddha PrAchi) for building temples and houses. The ‘exact East’ doesn’t change! Temples like Chakrapani temple at Kumbakonam that has Uttarayana and Dakshinayana entrances, must have been aligned to tropical positions. Trees and houses surrounding many temples hamper any observation of such alignments.

The above samples must make people think and come to the realization that the precession concept of the west is at the verge of an overhaul. Anyone attempting to ‘date’ ancient texts such as Mahabharata and Ramayana cannot rely on the western astronomy simulators that use axial precession concept.

Related posts: 

My research paper on Siddhantic concept of the equinoxes offers newer insights to emerging trends in Science on Precession

Three orbital cycles of the Siddhantic concept (Part 2 of my paper on Siddhantic concept of precession)

Sidereal representation of oscillating equinoxes (Part 3 of my paper on Siddhantic concept of precession)

Sun’s movement – a determinant of precession and the Band of Tropical limits (Part 4 of my paper on Siddhantic concept of Precession)

Siddhantic cycle of precession matches with the paleoclimatic data (Part 5 of my paper on Siddhantic concept of precession)


Gopi said...

exceptional research, plausible. After few years someone from (western univ) will plagiarize to get themselves a Phd or Nobel price. (happened with Prof Raju)

Vijaya said...

Very interesting madam, I too follow the sun rays falling with precision in my own house and for some time recorded the day and time.. what to say about our ancient architects.

Jayasree Saranathan said...

Dear Mr Gopi,

Thank you. Already my works are plagiarized. In the last 6 months, I could see plagscan crawling in my blogs on 4 occasions. You know plagscan is used only in the West, not in India, for checking MS and Phd thesis. Compared to university thesis by students, scholars are honest in citing my papers. So far 39 times, my academia papers have been cited.

I am waiting for my paper serialised in The Astrological Magazine to get over fully. When I publish the entire paper after that, in academia and share it with those in diverse fields to whom it matters, the overall idea on precession or what the current theory lacks will become palpable.

Jayasree Saranathan said...

Thanks Ms Vijaya.

By observing the sunlight entering our house on 21st March, we can say if our house is oriented to exact east. The new learning from the monuments is that the Gregorian dates are aligned to specific points of sun's position in the sky. Eg, we think that the 'English' date of birth is not astronomical, but it is now realised that the sun will be in the same point in the sky each year, during your English birthday.

Vijaya said...

Thank you for your valuable tip.

Raghu said...

Brilliant. Why has this thought (that it is the solar system that is precessing, not the earth) not occured to astronomy students and researchers here? If proven, I hope your name gets etched in this discovery.

Jayasree Saranathan said...

Thanks Mr Raghu,

Yes, particularly when I read the NASA article on Stonehenge, stating 18th century observation that the equinox passed through its centre, I could not help wondering why the writer could not understand the implication of the equinox crossing at the same point even now.

In my case I started checking the astronomically aligned monuments in search of more evidence for Siddhantic model of precession, but they must have thought about the oddity of it, they being in the same field.

On getting a name for this, it is likely for the Siddhantic model I am proving in my paper - 2 parts of which are given as related posts at the end of the above blog. Western scientists are working on the changed perception on precession and quite a few of them are reading my papers. Got an invite yesterday from one Theoretical physicist to read and comment on his paper on axial precession. People to whom it matters are noticing. Anyway only after my entire paper is published (now serialized)by Jan, many would start understanding the theories I am putting forth.

The theory is originally a product of ancient Indic people, I am validating with current science and paleoclimatic data. Archaeoastronomy is one among many evidences to validate this theory. There is one I recalled from Sangam text after I wrote this blog. It will be blogged next week.

On getting name: If you read the researches of people in respective fields, you can sense their passion as the motivator for the research, rather than name and fame it is likely to get. Those working for name and fame would not succeed. I belong to the former category.

Raghu said...

I think I was misunderstood. I never meant you were doing it for name or fame. I only wished appropriate acknowledgement of your passionate work.

Jayasree Saranathan said...

You are not misunderstood Mr Raghu. Rare to see persons like you openly saying that.
I just shared my thought as a person with knowledge of karma- driven immunity to both positive and negative outcome of a work.

Jayasree Saranathan said...

@ Mr Raghu

Also I wrote that any name if at all to come, would come for Siddhantic model I am propagating. This archaeoastronomy is part of it.

Raghu said...

Thank you. I wish you all the very best.

T.Annamalai said...

Dear Madam,
Really a great article, I read your articles in The Astrological e-Magazine as well, I am totally new to the concept and having very very less knowledge in these fields. However, based on my interest in the topic and share your passion and motivation in establishing completeness of our traditional knowledge and sharing the knowledge to the present generation I am continuing to read them. I am able to understand this blog article more easily than your more technical articles published. I think this blog article can motivate many peoples to know more about this topic. I have a doubt, I am not able to understand the fixed non changing alignment of earth with sun when sun is moving. How it is happening?, as i said earlier I am an ignorant in this concept/field. If my question is very fundamental please do not mind. Awaiting to know about the sangam text link to the subject. T.Annamalai

Jayasree Saranathan said...

Dear Mr Annamalai,

Thanks for your compliments. Happy to know that you have read the first 2 parts in the e-zine. The next part to be published in Nov issue will make it very simple with many evidences, one of which from an unexpected source - an engraving found in Koodalazhagar temple of Madurai. The above blog info will be incorporated in the 4th part of the series.

Coming to the question you have raised, imagine the orbit of the earth around the sun as a series of 366 dots apportioned into 360 degrees. 366 stands for the rounded up total time taken by the earth to complete one round around the sun. Imagine 366 spokes connecting the axis (sun) with the dots on the orbit (rim). Each day the earth comes to each dot in the rim. At the end of 1st round we find that the earth doesn't touch the 366th dot but falls short of by 3/4 parts because the time taken to complete one round is 365 days and 6 hours. Like this in the 2nd year another 6 hours short, in the 3rd year another 6 hours short and in the 4th year another 6 hours short. Four 6 hours shortened now, is added as 1 day in the 4th year that we call as a leap year. Everyone knows this.

This shows that the earth's position on the orbit passing through 366 dots almost remains the same with reference to the sun (axis of the wheel) with the loss of 1 full dot corrected in the leap year. By this we can say that the location on any day on the orbit (rim) is almost the same - with a difference of less than a day. If the year starts at 1st January, the earth will be on the same dot / point on the orbit like it was in the previous years. In the non leap years it will be 6, 12 and 18 hours before 1st January position but will come back to 1st January on the 4th year due to leap year correction. Like this it happens to all the dates including the day of equinox.

March 21st is a dot / point on the orbit / rim when the sun and the earth will be in a particular alignment. It will slip to 6,12 and 18 hours backward - going to 20th March sometime but corrected to 21st March in the leap year. Only this has happened so far ever since we started noticing dates in the Gregorian calendar for the past 400 + years. It is like a runner coming to the victory mark in a particular place which is fixed always. The earth runs like this around the sun in a fixed alignment at each point/dot.


Jayasree Saranathan said...

Now for precession.
Imagine the running path in a circular disc and imagine the disc is also moving independently in a path. The movement of the runner on the disc with respect to the victory post in the disc does not change due to the movement of the disc. But the background scenario changes. By looking at the background changes, would the runner think that since because he is running, the background seems to move? The current precession theory proposes so.

Another example is moving train. The moving train is the sun and the passenger is the earth. The background trees are the stars. The trees seem to move because the train moves, not because the passenger moves. The passenger can move - but within the train and can retain any alignment within the train. So what is happening is the sun along with the solar system moves in the backdrop of stars that is perceived from earth as precession.

What causes this perception is the matter of dispute now. It is not caused by the earth changing its tilt, as there is no change in the tilt detected. Entire solar system is tilting by which earth is also seen to tilt.

Continuing with the previous explanation: If the earth has independent precession, and moves away one degree every 72 years, then its location on the orbit must have moved a degree after 72 years by which equinox must have advanced by a day every 72 years. From 21st to 22nd March in 72 years, then 23rd March in 144 years and so on. That had not happened since the time Gregorian time scale was introduced and data maintained. The equinox had always occurred on 21st or 20th March (non leap year). Archaeo astronomy of the monuments also support the idea that earth - sun alignment (spoke joining a particular dot on the rim and the axis) remains fixed.

Hope these explanations answer your question.

I will write on Tamil sangam soon. Prepared sketches etc, but getting tied up with my next book that is at the post-finish / editing stage.

T.Annamalai said...

Dear Madam,
Thanks a lot for your beautiful line by line explanation. I read and understood it just now. Really a eye opening article. Everyone in our family read your book about Goddess Andal and preserving the same in our collection. Because of my limited knowledge we are not able to understand more about your rebuttals to Nilesh oak. If time permits please write an article in Tamil about it like this article. Thanks a lot madam. Your service to the society is very valuable. T.Annamalai

Manju said...

SmtJayasree ji. This is very good brilliant hard work. Lots of deep ideas and you are bringing the many ideas together.
Manjunath Sharma

Manju said...

Smt Jayasree ji . Brilliant observations. A very fresh perspective.
Manju Sharma

S SEKHAR said...

Hope, madam, We need not have to wait for roughly another 250 years to realise this.🌷🙏

Mohan Mone said...

Similar phenomenon occurs at Mahalakshimi Temple in kolhapur, Maharashtra, in Feb/Oct

I use to teach the precision movement of earth with proof of Gopuram , also Shri Vivakanand birthdate as makar sankrant now moved from 14th Jan to 15th Jan.
Now as per you if SUN is having precision motion at 25K years cycle is observed for North Pole Star, how do you combine sun's precision with earth

Jayasree Saranathan said...

There is no 25k cycle of precession.

Read my article here:

Once you are able to grasp the concept given here, start reading the link given on the first line of this blog.

For more details read the 2nd chapter of my book "Mahabharata 3136 BCE"

Andras Szentpetery said...

Great article thanks!

Check the Electric (plasma) universe science model of real precession too!

Andras Szentpetery said...

Great work thank you!

Electric universe has a new model of precession similar to yours:

Gareth Samuel: Seeing Precession Differently | Space News

Vijaya said...

Always find this topic extremely interesting and can read it again and again for better understanding 🙏

Venkat said...

Namaskar Ma'am . I met you during A3 Conclave by Voice of Covai held at Coimbatore during 30 November 2024 & clarified certain points brought out by Nilesh Oak regarding Mahabharata date discussion. I've got great respect for you & my following point is to seek clarification & certainly not to discredit your indepth study. Nor am I that much aware on astronomical details.

I am posting the response from ChatGPT for my query

The phenomenon you're describing—where sunlight aligns precisely with archaeological structures on the same Gregorian calendar date for centuries—raises an interesting question given Earth's axial precession. However, several factors explain this apparent stability:

1. Slow Rate of Axial Precession
Earth's axial precession occurs over a cycle of about 25,772 years. This means that in 400 years, the precession-induced shift in the position of the Sun would be about:

360°\25,772 multiplied by 400 approximately equal to 5.6°
This results in a shift of only about 22 minutes in solar time (about 0.06 days per century). Over 400 years, this would cause a shift of approximately 0.24 days (6 hours- Not 6 days), which is small enough that the alignment remains effectively unchanged for practical purposes.

2. Calendar Adjustments (Gregorian Reform of 1582)
The Gregorian calendar itself was designed to correct for precession-related drift in the Julian calendar. By dropping 10 days in 1582 and adjusting leap year rules, it keeps the vernal equinox close to March 21. This helps maintain alignments of structures designed based on equinoxes or solstices.

3. Solar Declination and Atmospheric Refraction
Many alignments depend on the solar declination (Sun's altitude) rather than exact clock time. Since the Sun's position changes gradually, minor shifts due to precession do not significantly affect alignments in just a few centuries. Additionally, Atmospheric Refraction can slightly bend sunlight, preserving alignments even as the solar position shifts slightly.

4. Architectural Tolerances
Many ancient structures, such as Stonehenge or the Great Pyramid, were built with slight margins of error. These tolerances mean that even small shifts in the Sun’s position due to precession do not drastically alter observed alignments over a few centuries.

5. Lunar and Solar Cycles (Metonic and Saros Cycles)
Some alignments follow lunar cycles (like the Metonic cycle of ~19 years) or solar cycles (like the Saros cycle of ~18 years), which naturally realign over time, minimizing observable drift in just a few centuries.

While axial precession does shift Earth's orientation over millennia, the slow rate, calendar corrections, atmospheric effects, and architectural design tolerances all contribute to the stability of solar alignments in archaeological structures over a few hundred years. However, over Thousands of years, these alignments do eventually shift significantly.

Jayasree Saranathan said...

@ Venkat,
Namaskaram. You are most welcome to come up with your doubts and questions, but sadly, you asked artificial intelligence which reproduces what is fed into it and cannot think on its own. This topic is a research oriented and challenges the current western theory of precession. You should have asked a researcher about this. Or you yourself can think about the veracity of this. I will reply in two ways.

A) Assess the answers of AI.
(1) Do you know how much span of the sky represents 5.6 degrees (this is in the case of Padmanabha swamy temple)? AI doesn't know the span of opening in the temple Gopuram is much less than that. Means the Gopuram was built when equinox was away but it appears aligned now. Not only this temple, many temples of South India show the alignment. I posted Parthasarathy temple gopuram in Triplicane which was built more than a thousand years ago. What explanation AI has for that?

2) Don't you think the 2nd answer is absurd? Where is the scope for calendars and adjustments here? We are seeing the alignment today. We don't talk about calendric dates, do we?

3) Once again an absurd answer. The Stonehenge is estimated to be 5000 years old. At every equinox people gather there to see the exact alignment. Did atmospheric refraction happen every time? It also talks about sun's declination. How could the structures spread at different latitudes are seen aligned if the sun's declination varied?

4) Another absurd answer. The alignment occurs on equinox day which has nothing to do with solar or lunar cycles.

5) Once again absurd answer. Quoting the 19 year saros cycle. It feels like reading Oak's or Manish Pandit's rantings. The alignment occurs on equinox day twice a year. In what way Saros cycle is connected with this?

Conclusion: It agrees "over thousands of years". In the examples I have given Stonehenge, Abu Simbal and Mnajdra were over thousands of years. But they are aligned though Abu Simbal comes under the category of Kiranotsav type of temples in India. Western science has no answer. Please know that.

Now the second part. (Continued)

Jayasree Saranathan said...

In the second part, let me reproduce the words of a western researcher, who is working on Mnajdra alignment. I quoted Hancock's version in the article to say that it produces an absurd inference. A researcher by name Ronald Poell who is working on Mnajdra wrote to me after reading my 5 -part paper. Since it helps in clarifying, I am reproducing it.

"Dear Ms Saranathan,

As an indépendant researcher I’m studying the Neolithic society of Malta (
Part of these investigations cover the sunrises at the Mnajdra temple.

I came across your blogs and the Siddhantic concept of precession of equinoxes during my ongoing bibliographic research.
I was pleasantly surprised to read about this point of view as it provides an answer to a question that has remained un-answered ever since I started my study of Mnajdra (and the other temples)."

My explanation had solved the re-resolved mystery of the alignment, says he. He has taken the photo copies of the original articles of mine published in he Astrological Magazine for reference and citation. He even extended an invitation to me to visit the site.

Today only this site is under research by researchers. Other ones I mentioned are not under scanner by any researcher. But this has been noticed. The five part paper of mine has been uploaded by another western researcher and was quoted in a video by yet another researcher. With terrible climatic conditions taking place now from change of direction of gulf streams to ozone hole shrinking (unexpectedly), many markers are showing up that the sun is turning around. Read this article of mine

Jayasree Saranathan said...

Mr. Venkat,
I suggest you read this article also where I explained how the exact alignment was made.
The method is given in Nedunal Vaadai, a Sangam text. The equinox day is found by shadow stick method and on that day, the equinoctial direction is marked. Having that at the centre, the temples, and palaces and even houses were built. The same method seems to have been followed by builders around the world. Only if the equinox doesn't change position with reference to the earth, the same alignment can be seen even today. Our ancestors looked at the ground and found out that the sun shifted position but the alignment between the sun and the earth never shifted (western precession theory says it shifts). But westerns post Copernicus, turned a Nelson's eye to everything that was ancient, thinking they were Biblical absurdity. They missed many including the fact that the perihelion and aphelion of the earth do not change. Recently a friend from Canada sent me a research on this by some measurements showing unchanging positions. We already know it through our Panchangas which show 30 to 32 days in Cancer (AAni / AAdi month) and 28 days in Sagittarius / Caprocorn (Maargazhi / Thai).

Indians do not look at our wisdom. Only if a foreigner says, they will accept.