A research paper published in the journal Nature
Genetics claims that it is now possible to tell the age at which the first
child will be borne and also the number of children that one can get from a set
of 24 genes that are connected with 12 locations of the DNA sequence. This
sounds almost like working through a horoscope that has a specific house and
specific planet to indicate the number of children that one is likely to get
and also the timing of births. The horoscope also says whether one would remain
childless for ever or get children very late in life. These prospects must be
there present in their body system if it has to be represented in the
horoscope. The present research concedes
that these indicators are really present in the DNA.
A reading of the news of this study from various
online magazines however show that they have just touched the tip of the
iceberg, in that they have now found only a less than 1% probability of links in the DNA to the issues
such as the timing of the first child and the number of children. These links
are already found to have definite connection to reproductive features such as
menstruation and menopause. These features are more recognisable but timing the
first child is something really a giant’s leap as that infuses an element of
determinism and destiny in one of life’s most important features / events.
The research gives credence to the horoscopic issues
of timing (Dasa- Bhukthi) in getting children. Even if the couple are found to
be fertile enough to beget children, they would not have got, which is
attributed to unfavourable dasa- bhukthi in the horoscope. The research raises
the possibility to state that this is due to DNA links not being in place or being
switched off. I have noticed such timings coincide well with clinical
observation in the case of cancer disease and the relapse of the same. In the
case of diseases and particularly in cancer disease, it is possible to
establish the link to DNA / gene behaviour, but such a link being detected in
timing the conception of children is indeed an exciting revelation.
Children play an important role in one’s life. Sanatan
Dharma considers getting children as a gift and wealth which cannot be compared
with any other wealth. Begetting a good child (well behaved) is what one enjoys
as a fruit of one’s good actions done in a previous birth. That is why in
Tamil, parents are known as “PetRROr”. The root word is ‘PERu” which means
gift. Those who have kids enjoy “PERu” and that is why they are known as
The kind of Prarabdha karma that one is bound to experience
includes not only the birth of kids but also how healthy, brainy they are etc,
and also whether they become a source of burden or misery to the parents or
give happiness to them. All these are discernible from the horoscope (of the
parent). The PERu /gift component in
recognition of kids have these elements too. This makes it necessary that the genes / DNA
that are inherited by the kids from both the parents and have its own mixing
combination must contain the defects or bright spots for its own make-up. The
current research also throws up possibilities to find out such features too. If
that is really found out, it would be an unmistakable indicator of Determinism
and role of past karma in our lives.
When I use the term determinism, I don’t want to
mean fatalism. Life is a mix of Prarabdha karma and Kriyamana karma by which we
‘act’ to overcome the effect Prarabdha. This is enshrined in the principle of propitiation
and repentance to overcome a bad Prarabdha karma. The changing dasa- bhuthis do
indicate scope for this. This pre-supposes that the DNA too is flexible for modifications.
There do exist many scientific researches on how the DNA can be altered by meditation
and physical activity (methylation).
One intriguing feature in the whole study is whether
the finding (of timing the first child) applies to men as well. In horoscopy it
is possible, but how is it found present in the DNA of the male?
Related articles:-
DNA may influence when you
have kids, and how many, study says

Brad Crouch, Medical Reporter, The Advertiser
October 31, 2016 4:00pm
RESEARCHERS have found a link between DNA and how
many children a person is likely to have – and even when they are likely to
have their first child.
The work casts a biological hook into what is
usually seen as a decision based on choice, environment and social factors,
including income.
The study, published in Nature Genetics today,
is co-authored by more than 250 sociologists, biologists, and geneticists from
institutions worldwide, including the University of South Australia and the
South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute.
While the authors emphasise that the DNA link cannot
predict the exact timing of a first child or the exact number of children
people will have, they note it is “significantly associated”.
The scientists looked at 238,064 men and women for
age at first birth, and almost 330,000 for the number of children. They
identified 12 areas of DNA linked to both.
For the first time,
scientists now know where to find the DNA areas linked to reproductive
Lead author Professor Melinda Mills, from the
University of Oxford, said that for the first time, scientists now know where
to find the DNA areas linked to reproductive behaviour.
“For example, we found that women with DNA variants
for postponing parenthood also have bits of DNA code associated with later
onset of menstruation and later menopause,” she said.
“One day it may be possible to use this information
so doctors can answer the important question: ‘How late can you wait?’ based on
the DNA variants.
“It is important to put this into perspective,
however, as having a child still strongly depends on many social and
environmental factors that will always play a bigger role in whether or when we
have babies.”
The study shows the DNA variants are associated with
sexual development milestones such as the age girls have their first period,
when the voice breaks in boys and at what stage women experience menopause.
Senior collaborator Professor Elina Hypponen, who is
the director of the UniSA Centre for Population Health Research at SAHMRI, said
the goal was to find insights into biological mechanisms which affect
fertility. Further work may lead to treatments for age-related declines in
fertility and sperm quality.
Bec Waddingham with
Joel, 2 and his sister Ashlyn, 5. Picture: Matt Loxton
“This research does not at all suggest that age at
first birth or number of children would be determined primarily by genetic
factors; as we all know, these are complex, multifactorial traits which are
mostly determined by individual choices and circumstances,” she said.
“What this work does show is that genetic factors do
play a role in determining fertility, and with these genetic analyses, we were
able to identify biological influences which affect individual differences in
Prof Hypponen noted that in the long-term, the work
could lead to insights into how postponing reproduction could be more
detrimental to some people compared to others.
The researchers concede the numbers confirming the
link may seem “extremely small” but are enough to be used to predict the
probability of women remaining childless.
Mother of Ashlyn, 5 and Joel 2, Bec Waddingham of
Sheidow Park said factors including buying a house influenced her and partner
Adam’s timing for having a family.
“I was 27 and we wanted to make sure we were quite
ready,” she said.
“It is interesting work - what if one person’s DNA
is telling them one thing and the partner’s is telling them something else?”
Your DNA Plays A Role In How Many Children
You'll Have, And When: 12 Genetic Areas Associated With Reproduction
Oct 31, 2016 05:29 PM
By Dana Dovey
You may think that age, marriage status, and
unprotected sex are factors that determine when a couple has their
first child, but a new study suggests there may be a small genetic factor as
well. The research from Oxford University found 12 specific areas of the DNA
sequence which they believe are related to the age at which we have
our first child, and the total number of children we eventually have.
This is the first study to identify specific areas
of our DNA linked to reproductive behavior, authors said. Among the findings:
women with DNA variants for postponing parenthood also have bits of DNA code
associated with later onset of menstruation and later menopause. In addition,
the team found that DNA variants linked with childbearing
age are associated with other reproduction and sexual development
factors, such as the age when the voice breaks in boys, and the stage
women experience their menopause. Genes may also predict the
probability that a woman will remain child-free.
According to the study authors in a recent statement: “An improved understanding of the function
of these genes may provide new insights for infertility treatments.”
In order to identify these reproductive genes, the
researchers analyzed 62 datasets with information from 238,064 men and women
for age at first birth, and almost 330,000 men and women for the number of
children they had.
The researchers emphasized that the time that a
couple has their first child and the number of children they eventually have is
still largely influenced by societal and environmental factors. For example,
the researchers calculated that variants in the 12 areas of the DNA together
predict less than 1 percent of the timing at which men and women have
their first child and their total number of kids. Still, insights into the
genetics involved could help answer questions such as how long a couple can
wait before attempting to build a family.
Source: Barban N, Jansen R, de Vlaming R.
Genome-wide analysis identifies 12 loci influencing human reproductive
behavior. Nature Genetics . 2016
Interesting article on DNA & horoscope.
In this connection, I wish to share an opinion given to me one person, who claimed to be an experienced astrologer some 3 years ago.
He said that there is no need to test to confirm whether the children are of the parents. You can confirm it by checking the horoscopes of the parents & the children.
Many details such as date of birth, birth star, rasi, lagnam etc of the parents will be the same as that of the children. He said "Go & check in your family".
Curiosity driving me, I checked the details of the horoscopes of my family members with mixed results.
In the case of my parents & my siblings, there were lots of matching but in the case of self with wife & our children, the matching was limited.
The details are given below :
Person DOB Birth Star Rasi Lagnam
Father 25th Jan Kritikai Mesham Dhanur
Mother 24th July Bharani Mesham Dhanur
Myself 25th July Bharani Mesham Vrichikam
Sister 25th Sept Bharani Mesham Dhanur
Brother 1 25th Jan Revathi Meenam Makaram
Brother 2 1st Oct Punarpoosam Katakam Dhanur
You can note that there are many matches here :
4 persons have the DOB as 25th
4 persons have the rasi as Mesham
4 persons have the lagnam as Dhanur
3 persons' birth star is Bharani
1 person's DOB is very close at 24th
1 person's rasi is close to Mesham
Person DOB Birth Star Rasi Lagnam
Myself 25th July Bharani Mesham Vrichikam
My wife 17th Nov Tiruvadirai Mithunam Simham
Daughter 1 14th Oct Mrigaseerisham Mithunam Vrichikam
Daughter 2 26th Feb Sathayam Kumbam Rishabam
Daughter 3 20th Jan Uthradam Makaram Simham
But in this case there are only a few matches :
Daughter 1 has my lagnam & wife's rasi
Daughter 3 has wife's lagnam
Daughter 2's DOB is close to mine
I asked some members of my cousins' families to check such details. But there were also mixed results only.
So, my question is : Has any study been done on large number of people to arrive at the validity of the opinion of the person mentioned at the beginning of this post?
Dear Mr Bala,
There is no such norm that the birth date, lagnama etc that you have mentioned are same for family members. DNA not involved in lagnam etal but perhaps in the position of planets. Check whether the planetary neecha / uccha position are the same, whether the bhava position of the planets are same with dasa-bhukthis of them running. This is pronounced in the case of diseases which are hereditary. My next article in Dec issue is going to be on Angelina Jolie and her cancer disease which ran in her family. Such issues can be found identical in the family members (afflicted) but not otherwise.
To your question on whether studies have been done on this topic, as far as I know, it had happened only in limited way. Main reason is paucity of data. Not many are willing to part with birth details in the case of issues like this. We do come across limited cases of more than one generation having some similarity in certain spheres.
Generally the connection with family members are seen in the birth of children in stars that are close to stars of the parents or grand parents or close relatives (siblings). In such cases I find karma as the binding factor rather than the DNA.
Thanks Jayasree madam for your clarifications. I will go through the charts as per your suggestion & will try to find out the parameters.
Whats your view on the philosophy "Determinism" ?
Im an athiest and i dont believe in anything just based on feelings.
DNA tells how many kids, DNA linked to horoscope ?
Well Horoscope is a pattern matching art.
Each and every actions/events in this universe are interdependent. its possible to predict future by comparing anything with anything. Thing is are we clear enough to match the patterns.
There is nothing to exclaim if you are clear with the basics.
and the basic thing which i want to convey is the determinism,
its the "Thalai ezhuthu" "Andavanin kirukal" or anything it states that all actions are already determined. in theist words "nam vazhkai endrum nam kaiyil illai, naam yarum thevan kai bommaigale"
i would like to discuss more about horoscope and many interest things
@ Admin,
Better you name yourself before generating a discussion here.
am following this blog since last year, Very interesting and informative blog.Could you please let me know if kuja dasa will be bad time and give bad results if sani and kuja share the same house.An astrologer said there will be some bad results. Hence very much worried.Please advice your opinion and suggestions for any remedy.Thanks
Please note these details for the above question posted by me. Date, time and place of birth 28 August 1963 at 7.55 AM in Kumbakonam Tamil Nadu. Thanks in advance.
Namaskaram Madam.Excellent thread.Does it apply to 1st child only.What if it's a daughter? If this is applicable to Son only what if son is not 1st child ? Or if 1st son is 3rf or ,4th child does this theory apply to him. One popular Astrologer had told that family members of a given family take birth in the same family and the Nakshatras will keep repeating among same family. Please let me know your views on this.thanks in advance.
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