Monday, January 4, 2016

Day – 5 of Garbottam year 2015-16 - disappointing for Chennai but good for SW Monsoon.

The 5th day of Garbottam started a little after 5 PM on 2nd January 2016 and ended after 5 PM on 3rd January 2016.

The 195th day effect in my place of observation will be on 12th July 2016.
The corresponding fortnight is from 16th August to 30th August 2016.

The 5th day of Garbottam looked like a continuation of the 4th day with very less symptoms of ‘pregnancy’ of clouds or rainfall. The air very still and day was quite hot. No clouds were seen anywhere in the sky right from the morning. The night also was cloudless as stars were clearly visible. Around noon there was hot breeze.

For a good Garbottam at least one feature must be there : there must be clouds, winds or some ‘activity’ in the atmosphere either as a drizzle or a rumbling thunder or a lightening or glossy clouds or a reddish sun rise or sunset. The only feature noticed was cool nights and no snowfall or mist.
For the month of Margazhi chillness must be there. It indicates normal rains next year. If snowfall or mists are noticed, the rainfall season will be deficient. Snowfall and mist are reserved for Thai month. On the 5th day of Garbottam, one feature that was observed was cooler night. Let us see how far this helps in rainfall on 12th July or in the 2nd half of August.

Today’s Garbottam is important on one account as its corresponding fortnight falls in the early part of the month of Aavani when a phenomenon called “AavaNi muzhakkam” (ஆவணி முழக்கம்) must happen for good rainfall later. This is applicable to Tamilnadu. One can find this mentioned in Tamil Panchangam.  This happens on the 6th day of AavaNi. The calendar date is 22nd August 2016. On that day thunderbolts must be heard. Rainfall is not expected on this day, but the roar of thunderbolts must be heard. That roar is signified as Muzhakkam of AavaNi. It indicates good rainfall in the rest of the season.

Going by today’s (5th day) Garbottam, rains are not expected in the 2nd half of August (16th to 30 August 2016). But it is enough thunderbolts are heard. The hot wind at noon and coolness at night are the features that were present on this day. It must be seen if they have an impact on thunder- cloud formation on that fortnight. The rationale of Garbottam is that it indicates opposites.  

The observation of the 5 factors for day- 5 are as follows:

(1) Wind:- Not gentle but hot winds around noon. The night time air was still.
Result:- This is not a good factor for rainfall.

(2) Rain:- Nil.
Result:- Does not indicate rains in the said period.

(3) Lightening:- Nil.
Result:-  Does not indicate rains in the said period.

(4) Thunder:- Nil.
Result:- Does not indicate rains in the said period.

(5) Clouds:- Cloudless. Horizon looked dim as if clouds were there. But as day was coming to an end, it appeared that there were no clouds near the horizon.  

3-some features:-

(1) Terrestrial :- Behaviour of birds satisfactory but appeared restricted due to hot and dry conditions.

(2) Atmospheric :- Of the 12 features noted in my blog onGarbottam, nothing could be made out. Clouds scorched by the sun are a feature of Garbottam. At times it appeared that clouds were vaporised by sunlight. Region around the horizon looked deceptive. The weather on the corresponding period would give some clarity on what this appearance was in reality.

(3) Planetary:- (1) Stars appeared  whitish and as faint discs. (2) Except Jupiter all the other planets were in Southern declinations. Planets in northern declinations are desirable for good rainfall. (3) Conjunction of Moon with Mars in Chitra star on this day can be termed as malefic.  


(1) The period between  16th August and 30th  August 2016 is going to be dry in my place of observation. Two factors (1) the hot air at day and coolness at night and (2) conjunction of Moon with malefic Mars in the windy sign are likely to cause strong winds and thunderbolts and rain clouds getting shattered by winds.

(2) The 195th day, namely 12th July 2016 is likely to be dry in my place of observation.

(3) But the SW Monsoon would be doing well as August 16th 2016 marks a special combination of planets. On that day Sun enters Leo, 4 planets (Venus, Rahu, Mercury and Jupiter) will be within 30 degrees of the Sun. In fact all the planets will be behind the sun. This line-up even started as early as the 1st week of July 2016. If all the planets are behind the Sun or in front of the Sun, and if this happens in the rainy season, there will be plentiful rains and floods caused by heavy rains.

SW Monsoon of 2010 started on 30th June when all the planets came behind the Sun.

The monsoon season of 2011 also started with all planets in front of the Sun. 2011 was a year of floods.

In 2016, all planets are going to be behind the Sun right from the first week of July when an additional feature of good rains namely Budha- Shukra sameepyam is also going to happen.

A feature of the floods of 2011 (and also of Chennai Nov- Dec 2015) is that the ground was already saturated due to rains. The Budha – Shukra closeness for some time saturates the ground with good rains. When the additional feature of rain fall yoga (all planets behind or in front of the Sun) occurs, it triggers floods. In Chennai floods, it was yet another feature which I will discuss through 9th to 13th days of Garbottam.

One more important feature is the conjunction of Mercury or Venus with Rahu or Ketu. Mercury was conjunct with Ketu (opposite to Rahu) on 30th June 2010 putting an end to the hiatus caused by cyclone Laila. SW Monsoon was revived on that day.

Earlier in that year (2010) conjunction of Venus and Ketu on 31st May 2010 coincided with the start of SW Monsoon.

2011 was a year of floods during SW Monsoon season. When floods were ravaging Orissa and Bihar, Venus and Ketu were in conjunction.

For the current Garbottam- impact period, the close line up of planets behind the Sun from 16th August 2016 coincides with the conjunction of Venus and Rahu in the fixed sign Leo. The line-up behind the Sun that started from July 7th is going to last till September 12th 2016. A repeat of 2010 and 2011 rains (and floods) can be expected in the regions where SW monsoon is due.

Any period of hiatus in the first half of August will be ended by 16th August when Venus conjuncts with Rahu. (Because this conjunction indicates a trigger factor).

It must be seen whether the pattern of 2010 and 2011 is repeated in 2016 for the period between July and September 12th.

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Water distribution and flood control in ancient Tamil lands.

This article published in the Tamil newspaper of The Hindu describes how rain water management and flood control were done in olden days. Numerous water bodies were linked like a chain with excess water from one drained to another. Temple tanks were usually the last unites in this chain. Draining the flood water was done in such a way that they did not wait till one unit is completely filled. Even as the water level is raising, water will be drained through weirs to the next unit and this continues upto the last unit (temple tanks).

 In this way all the units of water storage that are located in different villages will be filled to some extent in the principle of distribution of surplus or even deficit in a year. Temples for different deities were erected near these water bodies so that they would be held sacred and no misuse of water bodies or misappropriation of the region around them can happen. After all the units of the chain received some water and after the rains had stopped, worship will be held at the last unit of the chain (temple) and only thereafter, agricultural operations will be started at all places. Thus they had waited till every region received their share of water before using the water for themselves in one region. How remarkably our ancestors have combined water management, flood control, equal distribution, non-wastage of water and religion!


முன்னோர்களிடம் இருந்தது தெய்வ நம்பிக்கை மட்டுமல்ல... மனிதநேயமும்தான்!


கலிங்கின் அணைக் கற்கள் வழியாக அடுத்த ஏரிக்குப் பாய்ந்தோடும் தண்ணீர்.

ஓடும் நீரின் வேரை அறுத்த வேதனை வரலாறு

ஏரிகள், குளங்களுக்கும் நமது முன்னோரின் தெய்வ நம்பிக்கை களுக்கும் நெருங்கிய தொடர்பு இருந்தது. அன்று ஒவ்வொரு கோயிலிலும் குளம் வெட்டுவது முக்கியமான கடமையாகக் கருதப்பட்டது. அதனால்தான் தமிழகத்தில் இன்றும் 3 ஆயிரம் கோயில் குளங்கள் இருக்கின்றன. அவை பராமரிப்பு இல்லாமல் இருக்கலாம். ஆனால், அழியாமல் இருப்பதற்குக் காரணம் இந்த தெய்வ நம்பிக்கைதான். அதே சமயம் நம் முன்னோர்களின் தெய்வ நம்பிக்கையில் ஒரு நியாயமும் இருந்தது.

சங்கிலித் தொடர்களாக அமைக்கப் பட்ட குளங்களில் பெரும்பாலும் கடை சிக் குளங்கள் கோயில் குளங்களாக அமைக்கப்பட்டன. உதாரணத்துக்கு, திருநெல்வேலி தாமிரபரணியின் கடைசிக் குளம் திருச்செந்தூர் முருகன் கோயில் குளம். கன்னியாகுமரி பழை யாற்றின் கடைசிக் குளம் பகவதி அம்மன் கோயில் குளம். நம் முன் னோர்கள் மழை பெய்யத் தொடங்கிய வுடன் விவசாயப் பணிகளை ஆரம்பித்து விடவில்லை. கோயில் குளம் நீர் நிரம்பும் வரை காத்திருந்தார்கள். அந்தக் கடைசிக் குளத்தில் தண்ணீர் நிரம்புவதை உறுதி செய்யும் வகையிலான தொழில் நுட்பங்களை வடிவமைத்தார்கள்.

அவற்றில் முக்கியமானவை கலிங்குகள், அணைக் கற்கள் தொழில்நுட்பம். சங்கிலித் தொடர் குளங்களில் ஒரு குளத்தில் நீர் நிறைந்ததும், உபரி நீர் கலிங்குகள் வழியாக வெளியேறி அடுத்தடுத்த ஏரிகளை அடையும். இந்த கலிங்குகளின் மட்டத்துக்கு மேல் 2 அடி உயரத்துக்கு அணைக் கற்கள் நடப்பட்டன. வரிசையாக குச்சி போன்று நீட்டிக்கொண்டிருக்கும் இந்த அணைக் கற்களுக்கு இடையே வெள்ளக் காலங்களில் பலகைகளை சொருகுவார்கள். இதனால், மேலும் 2 அடி உயரத்துக்குத் தண்ணீர் தேங்கும். இதன் மூலம் வெள்ளத்தில் இருந்து ஊரும் காப்பாற்றப்பட்டது. இவ்வாறு ஓர் ஏரியின் கலிங்கு வரை தண்ணீர் தேங்கினால் அதுதான் அந்த ஏரியின் பாதி கொள்ளளவு. கலிங்குக்கு மேல் இருக்கும் அணைக் கற்களின் பலகை யின் மேல்மட்டம் வரை தண்ணீர் தேங் கினால் அதுதான் அந்த ஏரியின் முழுக் கொள்ளளவு.

தலைமடை பகுதியின் வரத்துக் கால்வாயில் தண்ணீர் வரும்போது அனைத்துக் குளங்களின் அணைக் கற்களில் இருந்து பலகைகளை எடுத்து விடுவார்கள். இதனால், தண்ணீர் வேக மாகக் கடைமடையின் கடைசிக் குளம் வரை செல்லும். கடைசி குளத்தின் கலிங்கு மட்டத்துக்குத் தண்ணீர் நிரம்பியதும் மீண்டும் அனைத்துக் குளங்களிலும் பலகையைப் போடு வார்கள். இதன்படி அனைத்துக் குளங்க ளிலும் சரிசமமாக நீர் நிரம்பியது உறுதி செய்யப்பட்டது.

கடைசிக் குளம் நிரம்பியதும் அதிலி ருந்து தண்ணீரை எடுத்து தெய்வத்துக்கு அபிஷேகம் செய்வார்கள். அதன் பின்பே தலைமடை தொடங்கி கடைமடை வரை ஒரே நேரத்தில் விவசாயப் பணி கள் தொடங்கும். இதிலிருந்து நாம் ஒன்றை புரிந்துக்கொள்ள வேண்டும். தெய்வத்துக்கு அபிஷேகம் செய்த பின்பு விவசாயப் பணிகளைத் தொடங்குவது என்பது தெய்வ நம் பிக்கை மட்டுமல்ல; அதில் நியாயம் வலியுறுத்தப்பட்டது. சமத்துவம் வலி யுறுத்தப்பட்டது. கடைமடையின் கடைசிக் குளத்துக்கு தண்ணீர் சேரும் முன்பு தலைமடைப் பகுதியில் விவ சாயத்துக்குத் தண்ணீர் எடுத்தால் அடுத்தடுத்த மடைப் பகுதிகளில் இருக்கும் விவசாயிகளுக்குத் தண்ணீர் பற்றாக்குறை ஏற்படும். 

எல்லோருக்கும் தண்ணீர் கிடைக்க வேண்டும். எனவே, கடை மடையின் கடைசிக் குளம் நிரம்பும் வரை காத்திருந்தார்கள். இருக்கும் நீரை சரிசமமாக பங்கிட்டு பாசனம் செய்தார்கள்.

இதேபோல ஆறு, ஏரிகளின் முக்கியக் கரை, கலிங்குகளில் அய்யனார், சுடலை மாடன், நாட்றாயன், கருப்பர் போன்ற எல்லைச் சாமிகளுக்கும் சப்த கன்னிக்கைகளுக்கும் கோயில்கள் எழுப்பினார்கள். காரணம், தெய்வ நம்பிக்கை மட்டுமல்ல; கலிங்குப் பகுதிகளில் யாரும் மண் எடுத்துவிடக் கூடாது; கலிங்குகள் பலவீனம் அடைந்துவிடக் கூடாது என்கிற பாதுகாப்பு உணர்வும் அதில் அடங்கியிருந்தது.

ஆனால், கடந்த 30 ஆண்டுகளாக நடந்த ஏரிகள் சீரமைப்பின்போது இந்த அணைக் கற்கள் அகற்றப்பட்டன. புதிய ஏரிகளில் கலிங்குகள் அணைக் கற்களுடன் அமைக்கப்படவில்லை. கலிங்குகளே நேரடியாக அணைக் கற்கள் உயரத்துக்கு அமைக்கப்படுகின்றன. இதனால் தலைமடை குளங்களே நிரம்பத் தாமதமாகின்றன. மழைக்கு ஏற்ப அல்லது வெள் ளத்துக்கு ஏற்ப தண்ணீரை அடுத்தடுத்து திறந்துவிட முடிவதில்லை. பல நேரங்களில் கடை மடைக் குளங்களுக்குத் தண்ணீர் செல்வதில்லை.

வளர்ச்சி அடைந்த நவீன சமூகமாக சொல்லிக்கொள்ளும் நம்மிடையேதான் எத்தனை எத்தனை தண்ணீர்ப் பங்கீட்டுப் பிரச்சினைகள். நாடுகளுக்கு இடையே, மாநிலங்களுக்கு இடையே மட்டுமல்ல, இன்று இங்கே ஒவ்வொரு மாவட்டங்களுக்கு இடையேயும் இருக்கிறது தண்ணீர்ப் பங்கீட்டுப் பிரச்சினை. கிராமங்களுக்கு இடையே இருக்கிறது தண்ணீர்ப் பங்கீட்டுப் பிரச்சினை. ஒருகாலத்தில் பவானி சாகர் அணை கட்டினால் தங்களுக்குத் தண்ணீர் கிடைக்காது என்று ஆட்சேபணை தெரிவித்தார்கள் டெல்டா விவசாயிகள். இன்றும் திருநெல்வேலி - தூத்துக்குடி விவசாயிகள் இடையே தாமிரபரணி நதி நீர் பங்கீட்டு பிரச்சினைகள் இருக் கின்றன.

அவ்வளவு ஏன்? இன்று பெரு நகரங்களில் பல வீடுகளில் வீட்டின் உரிமையாளருக்கு தனியாக ஒரு தண்ணீர்த் தொட்டி. வாடகைதாரர் களுக்குத் தனியாக ஒரு தண்ணீர்த் தொட்டி. வாடகைதாரர்களின் தொட்டி ஒருபோதும் முழுமையாக நிரம்பாது. இருப்பவர் முங்கிக் குளித்துக்கொள்ள லாம். இல்லாதவர் முக்கால் உடம்புகூட நனைக்க முடியாது. என்ன ஒரு சமத்துவம், சகோதரத்துவம்!

காவிரி, தாமிரபரணி ஆறுகளின் தண்ணீர் கடைமடை விவசாயி வரைச் சென்று சேராததற்குக் காரணம் மழை யின்மை கிடையாது. நமது மனமின்மை. அக்கறையின்மை. அடுத்தவர் எக்கெடு கெட்டால் என்ன என்கிற சுயநலம். கூடவே அநாகரிக அரசியல், தொழில் நுட்பக் கோளாறுகள், பராமரிப்பின்மை, அலட்சியம்.

நம் முன்னோருக்கு அறிவியலும் தெரிந்திருந்தது. ஆன்மிகமும் தெரிந் திருந்தது. சமத்துவமும் தெரிந்திருந்தது. குறிப்பாக, அவர்களிடம் இருந்தது தெய்வ நம்பிக்கை மட்டுமல்ல; மனித நேயமும்தான்!

Flood-hit Chennaiites thank Policemen


Residents floor rescuer cops with big thank you


CHENNAI: First came the rescues, now it's time for the 'thank yous'. Some residents who were rescued or given relief aid during the December floods are now finding ways to thank those who helped them.

On Saturday afternoon, officers at J4 police station in Kotturpuram were surprised when schoolchildren from Kottur High School filed in along with residents from the locality, for what they assumed was a meet and greet session. But the real surprise came when the children and residents presented them with a shield and cake for their services in the locality during the floods, and other members of the group broke into a rendition of Vande Mataram.

"The entire area was flooded, my streets were flooded but through the rain I could see the police going from house to house, shouting out to see if people inside needed help. I want to say thank you," said a student in an impromptu speech.

"The event is the result of a conversation I had with a taxi driver," said Selva Ganatpathy, a volunteer with Action Aid which organised the session along with local 'surprise' event planners "The driver had told me all about how the Kotturpuram police sprung into action when the floods hit. When we asked people living in the area they came on board immediately because the police had really helped them in their time of need," said Ganapathy, who was also part of flood relief work in the city. "People always come to the police station with complaints. It's nice to see people smiling and happy," joked a police officer.

Two weeks ago, Mylapore deputy commissioner V Balakrishnan hosted a lunch for fishermen who worked tirelessly to rescue people during the floods. "The moment we called, they rushed to help. So after the water receded and the rescue operations were over we called them to the station for a meal and thanked them," says Balakrishnan.

Sareeta Suganan, who started sending out food to areas in need as an individual before ending up as a 2000-member force dispatching truckloads of chapathis and idli batter, is getting invitations from residents of a Pallikarnai street. " Someone gave them my number and ever since the waters receded they have been calling me to thank me, even insisting that I come over to their homes," she says.

"As volunteers we just wanted to help any way we could, we never really expected anyone to remember or call back to say thank you. But it's wonderful when you hear they are back on their feet. That's thanks enough."

Saturday, January 2, 2016

Day – 4 of Garbottam year 2015-16 is disappointing!

Day 4 of Garbottam started on the evening of 1st January and ended after 5 PM on 2nd January.  
The 195th day impact for my place of observation will be on 11th July 2016
The fortnight long impact will be from 2nd August to 16th August 2016.

This day was very disappointing and in contrast to the previous day (3rd day of Garbottam). All 5 factors were on the negative side at night and at day time too. The 3rd day was overcast but the 4th day was cloudless for most part. Only after 10 AM, clouds started appearing but the desired aquatic shapes or dense shapes were shattered by winds.

For good Garbottam or pregnancy of clouds, the sky must be overcast or sprinkled with clouds and the wind must be gentle. But what started as gentle wind in the morning, turned a little stronger as day progressed.

In addition to these factors, there must be some moisture in the air or drizzles to make Garbottam successful. The air was dry on this 4th day.

This shows that following the fortnight when Sun enters Poosam on 19th July 2016, the next fortnight when the Sun enters Ayilyam on 2nd August will be dry and windy in my place of observation.
But this need not be a disruptive feature as the month is Aadi known for winds.

The previous period having Aadi-k-kuRi on 29th July must be watched and the Full Moon of 19th July which is likely to be wet could ensure good NE monsoon. Moreover only from the 9th day of Garbottam, the sightings will become crucial for the successful NE Monsoon.

The observation of the 5 factors for day-4  are as follows:

(1) Wind:- Not gentle but stronger. It was still at night time.
Result:- This is not a good factor for rainfall.

(2) Rain:- Nil.
Result:- Does not indicate rains in the said period.

(3) Lightening:- Nil.
Result:-  Does not indicate rains in the said period.

(4) Thunder:- Nil.
Result:- Does not indicate rains in the said period.

(5) Clouds:- Cloudless for most part. After 10 AM, the clouds were shattered by winds. No aquatic shaped clouds.

3-some features:-

(1) Terrestrial :- Behaviour of birds satisfactory.

(2) Atmospheric :- Of the 12 features noted in my blog onGarbottam, (1) only morning twilight was pleasant. No other features were sighted. At sunset, the sky was not red as it was in the previous days. The Sun also was not red at sun set.

(3) Planetary:- (1) Stars appeared  whitish and as faint discs. (2) Except Jupiter all the other planets were in Southern declinations. Planets in northern declinations are desirable for good rainfall.


The period between 2nd August and 16th August 2016 is going to be dry and windy in my place of observation.

The 195th day, namely 11th July 2016 is likely to be dry in my place of observation.

But the SW Monsoon would be doing well where it is due at the time of first half of August.

The planetary combinations are good for the progress of the SW Monsoon in that fortnight.

They are
(1) Closeness of Mercury and Venus continues.

(2) Of them Mercury occupies the same Navamsa in the first few days of the fortnight and is joined with Moon in the watery sign (Cancer)

(3) Mercury and Venus are setting in the western sky with the line-up from east to west as Mercury, Venus and the Sun.

(4) Mercury and Venus in the western sky and in a fixed sign (Leo)

These rainfall causing yogas are present in the corresponding period in support of SW monsoon.

Related articles:

3rd day of Garbottam shows positive features for rainfall in 2nd half of July 2016.

This year the 3rd day of Garbottam ended at around 5 PM yesterday (1st January 2016). This has an impact on rainfall from 19th July to 2nd August 2016

In this period, 2 important dates are going occur this year which are crucial for determining the rainfall. One can find mention of these 2 days in Panchangam.  

They are

(1) “Aadi-k-kuRi”  (ஆடிக் குறி):- 

There are 4 indicators of this of which any one or none could occur in the month of Aadi in a year. In 2016 season, one Aadi-k-kuRi is going to occur. If Rohini is the star of the day on Dasami (10th thithi) or Ekadashi (11th thithi) in the waning period of the Moon (தேய்பிறை), one must observe the cloud formation. If they sky is cloudy or overcast, there will be good rains in the rest of the season of rainfall. This conjunction of Rohini and waning Dasami and Ekadasi is going to occur on 29th July 2016 from the sunrise of 29th July till the sunrise next day. We have to watch the cloud formation on that day to know about the rainfall in the period later.

As this period (29th July 2016) comes within the fortnight-long impact period of the 3rd day of Garbottam which shows more than average rains, we can expect good cloud formation on that day.

 (2) “Pari vesham” of Moon (பரி வேடம்). 

This is the halo around moon. On the day of Full Moon of Aadi, one must observe for the halo around the Moon. At the start of the impact period of 3rd day of Garbottam, that is, on 19th July 2016, there is going to be Full Moon. One must observe the Full Moon for the whole night on that day.  
If there is halo (Parivesham) around the Moon in the first 4 hours of after Moon rise, there would be good rains in the month of Aippasi (NE monsoon period).

If the halo is seen in the second 4 hours of Moon at night, there will be good rains in the month of Karthigai (NE Monsoon).

In the third  4 hours if the halo is seen, there will be rains in the month of Margazhi.

In 2016, Full Moon will be there for the first 8 hours of night. After that Prathamai comes. Therefore the rains, if they materialise can be there only upto Karthigai, if Parisvesham is noticed.

Moreover if it rains on the first thithi after a Full moon or New Moon, it will rain till the time Moon comes to the same position (one month). This year rains were there in coastal Tamilnadu in November- December, as it rained on the 1st thithi (Prathamai) after 25th November (Karthigai Deepam) .

19th  July of 2016 being a Full Moon day in the month of Aadi, cloud formation is needed on that day  for good rainfall later. Suppose could formation happens on that day and it rains in the next day, there will be rains for one full month after that. (From 20th July to 18th August). Thus 20th July also must be watched for good rains thereafter.

This kind of rules in astrology shows that successive or periodical updates must be done for rainfall prediction.


On the basis of 3rd day of Garbottam which had good wind and cloud conditions, there is a good probability that the impact period having 19th July (Full Moon of Aadi) and 29th July (conjunction of waning Dasami and Rohini or Aadi-k-kuRi) is showing positive features for good North East Monsoon for Tamilnadu in 2016.

PS:- I will again post these and other dates of importance just before the date of observation.

Related articles:-

Half filled temple tanks in Chennai floods.

Most temple tanks remained half filled despite heavy rains and flooding at many places in Chennai recently. Except a few temple tanks like Parthasarathy temple tank in Triplicane, many tanks remained half filled. The reason can be traced back to the water drainage system with which these tanks were originally built. These tanks were originally connected to storm water drainage system from the surrounding areas. The excess water from the tanks were also drained through channels constructed in the tanks. The feeder channels were encroached upon is the reason why these tanks got less water in the rainy season. I heard that such networks of feeder channels are intact in Madurai tanks. Hope Maduraiites remain ever vigilant in safe guarding those channels.


The puzzle of half-full tanks

The recent heavy rain spells might have had a positive impact on groundwater levels in the city and suburbs. At the same time, there are many temple tanks that have not been filled to the brim despite copious rains. In a bid to find remedial measures, the Rain Centre is surveying the impact of the floods.

Based on the findings of the survey, suggestions will be presented to the Sustainable Water Security Mission, which was recently formed by the government to restore water bodies and meet the city’s drinking water needs. The Mission comprises representatives of voluntary organisations and government departments.

In Triplicane, the Parthasarathy temple tank is full, while not very far away, the Tiruvatteeswarar temple tank is not. Residents of Triplicane said the stormwater drains and channels were obstructed and not linked properly to the temple tank. The tank of Kasi Viswanathar temple in Ayanavaram, is also in a similar condition. To study the contrast, the Rain Centre recently worked with the Chennai Corporation to improve channels connected to tanks in Madhavaperumal temple, Mylapore and Vadivudaiamman temple, Tiruvottiyur.

The survey will seek details about the intensity and time of flooding in a specific area and information about temple tanks and groundwater level before and after the heavy rain.

The Centre’s director Sekhar Raghavan said: “Groundwater level has gone up by 3 metres across the city. We are also inviting residents to write to the centre This may help to prepare an action plan to prevent floods and also restore ancient water bodies,” he said.

Day -3 of Garbottam year 2015-16

 Day -3 of Garbottam started with moderate atmospheric features after 5 PM on 31st December 2015. As night progressed, the sky became clear and stars looked pale and cool. Some cloud formation must be there on Garbottam days (nights). It was absent on the first part of 3rd day. The stars looked as expected on Garbottam days.

I waited for Moon rise to see how the moon looked. There was another curious feature with Moon of 31st December. Moon was conjunct with Jupiter on 31st December at 11 PM. It was a beautiful sight to see Jupiter too close to Moon. Both of them looked whitish and not very bright. There was no halo around Moon.

Usually when a planet crossed another planet within 1 degree, such a condition is known as planetary war. Planetary war during Garbottam days mars rainfall later in the corresponding period. But Moon in such a condition is not an issue, in my opinion. We have to keep this in mind when we check the rainfall on the corresponding day.

The 195th day for the 3rd day of Garbottam is 10th July 2016.
The corresponding fortnight for 3rd day of Garbottam is from 19th July to 2nd August 2016.

The observation of the 5 factors for day-3  are as follows:

(1) Wind:- Cool breeze was felt in the morning. Gentle wind continued through the day. The wind direction was North and Northeast
Result:- This is a good factor for rainfall as far as wind factor is concerned. The cool breeze in the morning shows scattered rain or drizzles at night on 10th July 2016 and in the period between 19th July and 2nd August 2016. The direction of the rains will be from South and South west.

(2) Rain:- Nil.
Result:- This is good for Garbottam period.

(3) Lightening:- Nil.
Result:-  Does not indicate rains in the said period.

(4) Thunder:- Nil.
Result:- Does not indicate rains in the said period.

(5) Clouds:- This factor was  wonderful on day 3. Right from the morning, the sky was overcast. From the cloudless day in my place of observation on the 1st day, to an overcast sky on the 3rd day, it was a remarkable change in the development of Garbottam. Clouds were very much less and scattered on the night. But by the morning there were clouds everywhere and they looked pearl- white which is a feature for good Garbottam. Some clouds featured a halo by reflecting sunlight. Aquatic shaped clouds were largely absent as the clouds were like blankets over my place. Even by 10 AM, 12 Noon and 1 PM, the overcast sky reduced the sunlight.

Result:- This factor is satisfactory. Though the sky was not dark, it was dull due to clouds everywhere until 2 PM. This feature indicates rains here and there right from the time Sun enters Poosam star in the month of Aadi, that is from 19th July to 2nd August.

3-some features:-

(1) Terrestrial :- Behaviour of birds very satisfactory. Due to pleasant weather caused by clouds and cool breeze, I could see and hear birds in cheerful and relaxed mood.

(2) Atmospheric :- Of the 12 features noted in my blog onGarbottam, (1) gentle breeze was there in the morning. It continued for most part of the day (2) Sun not visible as it was behind clouds for most part. But I could guess that it had a bright halo and there was halo around clouds too.  (3) No aquatic clouds were seen. The sky was overcast (4) Wind direction was from the North and North east. (5) Mildly reddish sky at sunset. From these, I deduce the atmospheric features were above average.

(3) Planetary:- (1) Planets and stars appeared  whitish and as faint discs. (2) Sun was red at sun set. (3) Except Jupiter all the other planets were in Southern declinations. Planets in northern declinations are desirable for good rainfall.


Of the 5 factors, 2 (wind and clouds) were very good. Terrestrial and atmospheric features were good while movement of planets in southern declination is not desirable.

These factors are reasonably good for Garbottam. By the 195th day concept, it was deduced that 9th July 2015 would receive moderate rainfall. It would continue on 10th July also, going by the 3rd day of Garbottam. Rainfall will be more on 10th July and at night time (as the Garbottam features were seen at day time now)

The period between 19th July and 2nd August would see wet days with occasional rainfall here and there in my place of observation.

At that time, (between 19th July and 2nd August 2016)  the planetary positions are very good for a good monsoon. They are 
(1) Mercury – Venus closeness is there. 
(2) Sun, Mercury and Venus are conjunct in the same sign. 
(3) Sun, Mercury, Venus, Saturn and Mars in watery signs. 
(4) On the starting day of this corresponding period when Sun enters Poosam star, Moon will be in Uttradam, a watery star which is good for rainfall. 

All these indicate that SW Monsoon would have picked up well at places where it is due.